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I own a sword that was passed down from my grandfather who brought it back to the United States after World War II. This sword has lived in attics and garages for the last 50 years, and I am trying to learn more about its history and determine whether it might be something that is worth restoring. If you could help me in any way with translating the signature, I would appreciate it. I tried to get a closer picture of the first couple of symbols that don't show up well on the full signature shot. Thanks! John
Dear All, I am looking for informations regarding this sword : wakizashi (?), Fake (?), Period (?) And histotic value? Can you give me your opinion? Thank you in advance for your precious advice Jean
Hi, I started this thread here (see below), believing it was maybe not Morimitsu but koto bizen. Now finally, I have got the blade back from the Togishi. When I figure out how to make smaller pictures with high quality I will add more photos to the same post. Otherwise photos are coming in different posts. Togishi´s thoughts are that this may be a kyoto sword in bizen style. Hamachi and Munemachi has been later added as well as Bohi and Sohi. It is a soft forged sword with smooth jigane (koitame). I find the hada to be Osaka Tetsu. We are both thinking in the lines of Yamashiro. Possible Muromachi or more likely Edo/Shinto period. What do you think. Tried to take photos this morning but let me know what you want to see more of and I will try to comply with better pictures. --Björn
Hello fellow collectors and enthusiasts. I am happy to announce a new addition to my collection, and I would ask for your help in identifying this beautiful blade. The blade feels heavy in the hand, and could use a new polish. I have done some research, and to me it appears to be a WW2 blade, with older fittings. The blade itself is reminiscent of later works by Chounsai Emura, a famous prison warden turned bladesmith during WW2. The hamon style is choji-midare with mixed in gunome-midare, which fits his style. Haagari nakago also fits the style. Emura tended to sign his blades, and this one does not have a signature, so I do believe this to be the work of one of his convicts, but perhaps an expert here could tell a different story. The hamon is The kissaki is ko-kissaki, and sharpened in the traditional way. The blade feels heavy in the hand, and will most definitely survive a new polish, I am now trying to figure out if it is worth polishing or not. The blade dimensions are: Nagasa: 22.25 Inches Curvature: 0.5 Inches The fittings that came with the blade are mixed, sa-me has fake ray-skin with older looking bronze menuki, with matching futchi, with an older looking Goto school tsuba with shi shi and peonies inlaid in a silverish/gold inlay. Traditional nanako-ji (fish egg) background. The blade and the tsuba may not match in age, but habaki looks original. Please any further help with identifying this blade would go a long way. Thank you all in advance! Warm Regards, Gordon S
Hello Everyone. I am a new collector of Japanese antique arms and armour. It is my pleasure to be part of this community, and i have read many posts here about Japanese swords and their smiths. I have an unidentified wakizashi I am struggling with, as it is not signed and is not in its original fittings. The hamon is similar to Bizen school, closest I found in geometry and hamon was Bishu Osafune Morimitsu. The reason I say that is the person I bought the sword from had other blades from the same school, particularly Bizen Osafune Sukesada. Some signed, some not. This particular one has no mei, but has some evidence of a clipped tang, which could help ID it. I notice some open kawagane, with visible shintetsu, which tells me the blade was polished many times. It is in good polish, still as sharp as it was polished and able to perform very well. The blade has obvious signs of action, with minor dents on the lower hamon, and an impact mark on the mune, but is in overall great condition with no fatal flaws. Any information on this wakizashi will help a long way, Japanese swords are a long time passion of mine, and I am so glad to have the opportunity to start this collection. I hope you all admire the ancient beauty as much as I do. Thank you in advance! Warm Regards, Gordon S
I've been trying with my meager resources to get this mei figured out and hope you can get me going in the right direction . jim M
Dear collegues, I adquired an old (It was sold to me without autenticity certification, but they ensure me that was a real nihonto) wakizashi few days ago, but I am facing some problems in translating the Mei... I have only identified that the first two kanjis refer as "Takada", but I am unable to translate the rest... Here is the photo. Thank you very much in advance, any suggestion will be very helpful!! Joan
Hello I am very new to nihonto. Your forum has been very informative for direction of Nihonto study. Will anyone please help with this wakizashi mei. Thank you
I bought this recently. It has an antique tsuka. The saya and fuchi are missing, and the original tsuba and seppa had been replaced with some modern ones. The hamon is hard to see at most angles but I can see almost all of it. It looks to me like it had a proper polish at one point, but it is not in great shape given the sheath is missing. I have done nothing to the blade except oil it, and use a little uchiko powder. I'm wanting to know what it could be, (nihonto, showato, etc), and how old it is. Thanks
I recently bough this sword, and i dont know nothing about the maker can you help me translate please.
I currently have a Wakizashi that I am in the need of translating. I believe I has able to translate the date to " a day in the 2nd Month of the 6th year of 1854 (Ansei)" which would be February of 1859. However I am unable to to translate the other side. The side that does not have a date appears to have a stamp at the bottom. I have tried to google this but have had no luck. This is my first time trying to translate and am new to this whole process so any corrections or help would be much obliged.
Hey everyone, Its been bright and sunny today, so I decided to go out and try my hand at photographing a new blade of mine with the limited camera and skills I have. I was able to capture its hamon very faintly, but of course the picture quality is low. However, I think I got enough to maybe see what you all think of it. The blade is a wakizashi coming in at a nagasa of 14 3/4" with 1/2" sori which seems pretty standard. However, what isn't standard is the rather wild hamon that goes all over the place. It is in a poor state of polish and fairly faint, but visible for most of the nagasa. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking. Opinions? Anyone have an idea of school, age, etc.? Again, my apologies for the poor camera quality!
Hi, I recently bought this Wakizashi, the mei can be seen to say "Rai Kuni" but unfortunately due to suriage, only the first characters can be seen, I'd love to know which smith made this, so far I've ruled out Rai Kunitsugu and Rai Kunimitsu due to the styles of characters being different. But now I've hit a dead end, so wondered if anyone had any ideas of who it could be or how to find out? Any information would be much appreciated!
Contacted by a friend as to what his military wakizashi, (which was given to him was worth). He supplied photos, and I requested more from him. And this is what I got. Have not read the Mei! Over to you for your thoughts, I have already formed my own opinions.
Hello again, Would it be possible to have the mei of this little wakizashi translated please? Any idea on the period it's from? Not a great sword, just curious. Cheers
Hello all, I finally got around to asking for assistance translating my wakizashi mei. Thanks to Ray and Peter, I know it was signed by Yoshisuke. Peter also provided some additional information, but because I'm on my 6 monthly care routine, I thought I'd get some additional pictures and see what everyone thinks now I have decent pictures of the activity. Extract of what Peter provided: "I thought that this would be a chance for us to introduce the difference between ON and KUN pronunciations. I though that these very (very) late Shoshu guys signed with these characters that we all think of a "Yoshisuke", but went with the name "GISUKE". This is also when the Soshu-den was dissolving in the Muromachi era. There certainly seems to have been a demand for these solid hirazukuri "otanto" at that time. They are quite worthy - by one name or another!"
Good morning all, Would someone kindly be able to read the mei? I've lightened the second photo if that helps. I can't seem to get the orientation correct... fingers crossed. Thank you.
Hello everyone, This is my first post in the forum. I have been interested in Japanese culture for a long time, also encouraged by my 10 years of martial arts studies in Iaido. I have been collecting Tsuba for some time now and would like to get my first Nihonto. My budget is limited and it is absolutely clear to me that you get what you pay for, not the less I would like to buy a Wakizashi and would like to ask you for your honest opinion about this offer on Ebay. Thank you very much for your help. Hannes
Hey there, I've recently received a wakizashi from my grandfather, which was previously "restored" in to a terrible state of being. I'm looking to try and restore at least the tsuka and saya myself, but a bunch of parts are simply missing. The kashira is not present, but the fuchi is, now I'm not sure I'd even be able to find a kashira to match the fuchi, but even so, I'd like to know what kind of design this even is, because while I like how it looks, I just can't figure out what it's supposed to be. The fuchi is slightly bent on the inside on one side as well, dunno how safe it would be to attempt to bend it back. It was quite a hassle removing it from the sword, as the guy who "restored" it had superglued all of it together. A few bonus images while I'm at it, it's where I got so far taking all of it apart: And what the sword looked like after that guy restored it some 30 odd years ago.
- 14 replies
I came into possession of this sword about a year ago. I was told my grandfather came to possess it either during or just after WWII. He worked on a minesweeper, so he probably didn't acquire it from the source. It has no serial numbers, so I don't believe it is a military sword. The blade is about 22 inches with the overall length being about 28 inches. There are no markings on the tang that I can see. The tsuka has markings around the "rim" and both sides of the tsuba have markings. All markings are hidden when the sword is fully assembled. As a complete novice I'm having a hard time finding a direction to look for information on the sword. Hopefully I attached detailed enough pictures. I know I didn't include a pic of the tang. I can do that, but there were no markings I could see. Thank you in advance. Wes R.
Hi All. What do you think about this one? Photos of only this quality, unfortunately. Thanks in advance. Vladimir.
Hello all, I'm searching for my first nihonto and I've been offered two wakizashi of great quality. First one is not signed, from Kanbun period (around 1660). Mumei of 57 cm, nagasa of 44,5 cm. Hamon type is Suguha. Hada is Mokume. Shinogizukuri, chukisaki, ubu nakago and one mekugiana. Second one is from around 1716 to 1736, fourth generation KANEWAKA, real name Tsujimura Jindai. Hako-midare, suguha, gunome-midare. Shinogizukuri, chukisaki, ubu nakago and one mekugiana. Each one is around 2700 € (2975 $) and they have no papers, although they are sold by a very respectable seller with really good reputation (not eBay or any other online site). Opinions on both? Thank you very much.
Just bought my first sword. I know what the seller listed the signature as. Just thought I’d get a second opinion.
Hello all. I am brand new to this and had recently posted this right before the board went down and deleted the last post and info. I am an antique auction and estate/property auction buyer in the SE US and have recently acquired a Japanese Wakazashi in a bulk property sale with other unrelated items. I am somewhat familiar with war time European blades but am a novice with Japanese blades. I know very little. Can anyone tell me anything about the blade and markings I have? It is a Wakazashi I’m told and it’ has 17.5” of cutting edge. Klay C.