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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. It is a real Wakizashi Perhaps the link would be better than a few screenshot.
  2. Best advice to ORG poster
  3. Ah..NO follow Gray's advice he's our resident woodworker.
  4. WTF remove the pointy bit and it's okay? makes no sense a razor sharp knife across the femoral artery they're going to bleed out before you get them anywhere.
  5. Nice little pickup congrats
  6. Replace my cold steel lol
  7. I know this is a long shot on the Nihonto form thought I'd throw it out here anyway. I had mine stolen from my truck the other night, I forgot to lock it like a dumbass neighborhood's going to hell.
      • 1
      • Sad
  8. What the hell are the chefs going to do register they're knifes Bonkers!
  9. Are you going to buy this Bruce that looks like to be a really good sword from what we see
  10. I know better it's been a half hour searching I come back and everybody has it LOL The inscription reads "羽後住國慶作" (Ugo ju Kuniyoshi saku), indicating it was made by Kuniyoshi who resided in Ugo province
  11. I'm pretty sure that's because of the title. I posted a print once and I got maybe 30, but when you say what you said, oh yeah everyone going oh I got to see that. That and the Tit for Tat, name calling back n forth, so called dust up. Calling elders old fatrs. What do expect?
  12. If this I'd say deal
  13. Euros or dollars?
  14. From a previous post we do know they like to exaggerate
  15. The chippy mei is something rushed on the factory assembly line. More of a tribute to big name Smith. I don't have my Slough's at hand if Masanobu is in you can tell the difference. Have you check the Japanese sword index.
  16. I need to get out of the members room more often I miss your post George... Ditto Malcolm
  17. You'll know when you have time to read messenger
  18. One thing I have helped Brian with and he can testify this I've helped him sniff out fraudsters charlatans Crooks not to name any names
  19. Robbie that's because you're down under where you do things upside down. In the military, "carry on" is a command meaning to simply continue with whatever task or activity you were doing before, essentially indicating that the officer entering the area does not want to disrupt the ongoing work and wants personnel to keep performing their duties as normal; it's a directive to "keep going" as if the officer wasn't there. Key points about "carry on": Direct translation: "Continue doing what you were doing." Used by officers: An officer would typically say "carry on" when entering a work area to signal that they want the soldiers to continue their tasks without interruption. Implication of no disruption: When an officer says "carry on," it means they are not expecting any changes in activity due to their presence.
  20. I am not Brian's Lackey I was here before he was I don't do his Dirty Work I have my own mind I'm not someone's boy. I was champion of beginners from the get-go when Brian took over he made me monitor, that didn't last long because I was going through personal PTSD crap that's beside the point I stopped helping beginners because I always got burned. Got that off my chest carry on.
  21. Stephen

    Tsuba for sale

    I could be wrong and I will be told if I am I believe the little gold dots are part of flowers with a long stems,
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