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strange letter

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wondering if any others on the board recived this letter.

funny part is in the from to list my email address was not listed.


con or on the up and up?


Hi, forgive me if I'm sending this the wrong address, I was given a

couple of emails of people who might be interested in my collection so

if that doesn't include you please disregard.

I have many, many antiques from Japan. I lived over there for 6 years

while in the Navy and became a certifiable antique lunatic, most all

of my free time was spent combing through dingy, dusty antique shops

and the occasional shrine sale, so all the items I have are authentic,

at least when examined by real collectors, that is their impression,

E.G. I went to the Spokane antiques roadshow and the items I took were

appraised accordingly. Here's a partial list, let me know what you

might be interested in seeing a photo of and I'll email you.

Edo period ( At least 150 years old) Samurai full body armor set

Many miniature armor displays

Samurai full body armor set, parade quality, showa era probably 20-30 yrs old

a complete military fireman's firesuit, including helmet, jacket,

inner coat, pouch and tool (this is impossible to find complete, you

nearly always just see the helmet or the coat. I happened upon this

museum quality find in a tiny shop hardly bigger than a walk in

closet) most likely early showa or taisho

Many lacquer sets, one dating back to bunsei or around 1825

Other lacquer plates and items

Fukagawa, kutani porcelain

A spectacular 4 panel intricately carved wood panel with a lotus in

the center, approximately 200 years old, most likely from a Buddhist




An imperial Navy Admiral's dress hat set with shoulder boards and epaulets



smaller cloisonne


and many, many many other items. Let me know your interests, I may

have something you like.

Thanks for your time

Shawn Tyler

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Well it seems like a scam. Nevertheless a scam which has more work put into it (which makes it a lot more tempting off course). You can ask pictures and how he expects payments. Also try and find out how they got your e-mail addresses. Try and make him expose himself as much as possible (address, business, tel nr,references, mutual contacts,...) because these are things you can check to authenticate the seller. But I wouldn't really hold my breath. Maybe it's just my suspicious nature, but prove me wrong :glee:

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Got it too. Must have harvested emails, although not sure how he got them all. Maybe only the ones that were publicly listed here.

However I can't prove it is a scam yet. Could just be a very eager seller. Someone in the USA should claim to be near him and find out if a personal viewing is possible.

Let's not accuse just yet, although I agree all the signs are there.

Anyone remember Hill Street Blues? "Let's be careful out there." :lol:



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I received the email as well, but it was not to an address I have ever listed on this forum. I have several accounts that are rarely used. So there is reason to believe the sourcing for addresses is elsewhere, or in addition to those on this board. Not sure what the end game to a mail like this would be if it's malicious. Seems a bit specific and involved for spam harvesters. :dunno:

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Good Morning all,


Just picked up on this rather late, but it pinged a few memories of unsolicited emails offering swords from a few years back.


http://www.fightingarts.com/forums/ubbt ... Post366337


http://www.aikiweb.com/forums/archive/i ... -6142.html


They do say the past repeats itself......


Of course it could be legit. :popcorn:






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  • 2 weeks later...

I recieved an email from Pawel Nowak today, Thursday, 23 July 2009. His email read:


Hi !


I have two Japanese swords (katana and tanto) with the blade from XVIII and XIX century and I would like to sell them for the reasonable price (600US$). If you think you could have an interest, let me know.




He is using an email address which I am unsure if I should post here. I am keeping the email but not responding.




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He is doing mass emailings again. I know of more than 10 ppl that received this again. Always the same 2 swords.

From the email address Shipwrecks.Research271275@yahoo.com

I would still like to find someone in Poland to pursue this with the police there. Many have tried, but no-one has followed through. In spite of having bank details and all sorts of other info...no-one can prosecute them/him?

Not one guy...more likely an organised syndicate like the Nigerian 419 scams, but must con a lot of ppl.

A simple search of this forum for Pawel will give a lot of info.



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Hello all,


Same here, received this mail on the 22nd, didn't reply.


I haven't been a member for a long time so the email-address must have been harvested recently if this board is where he/they got it. But might as well be a tap on Ebay or something else.




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