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My New Website

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Hi guys,

My site was built on outdated technology; it had to be rebuilt. Just in the last few minutes the new site has gone live. If you have bookmarked the old site your bookmark should work for the new site; if not, here it is:


I've tried to keep most of the new site familiar; I don't think you'll have too much trouble finding your way around it. If you have comments or suggestions please let me know. If you have trouble using it, and especially if you try to contact me through it and don't get a reply, for sure let me know about that.

If you subscribed to my New Product monthly email notice, you should continue to receive the new one.

Thanks for all your support in the past and hoping for the same in the future. Grey

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Nice looking Grey.


It takes a lot to load though compared to the old one.

I am using the same device over the same comnnection, and the new one is a lot slower than the previous one.

Maybe it is related to caching on the internet relay servers...




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Hi guys,

Any of you who have inquired about an item or tried to contact me through the site have not received an answer. There is a glitch and customer messages aren't getting through to me. I'll try to get this fixed as soon as possible; in the mean time, if you need me, my email is gdoffin at gmail.com.


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