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Alex A

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    Alex A

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  1. We have books and stuff but you can also learn from modern smiths if you can get to talk with them or listen to people that know smiths and are more aware about what can go on at a modern forge and have interesting tales to tell. Stuff like why some swords end up unsigned, as an example. I was told in the past of a smith that passed away, all the unfinished swords that were in various stages of completion were later finished and signed by his son.. Be interesting to hear from others one day, though that would be another thread. Point being, if happens now it happened back in the day. Cheers Dee.
  2. Think what we need to remember here is we are sadly dealing with morons. Said this before, look at prisons as an example. Not allowed knives but folks still get stabbed. If they cant stop it there then they cant stop it on the streets. Its absolutely crazy.
  3. Dee, you misunderstood me. I see why, maybe i should have been more clear. What i meant was your comparison above demonstrates how a mei might change, for one reason or another. So often here, over the years in past discussions, people ignore the sword and talk like all mei are machine stamped or something. Im talking old discussions, not this one. Hope that makes more sense.
  4. Lately, seen more and more antique percussion pistols deactivated, even though they are legal. That's another concern, hence now will generally consider flintlocks, though who knows.
  5. To me, a good demonstration of why i sometimes find it a bit silly when folks start to discuss mei without even discussing the sword.
  6. Would assume tons of private couriers that will jump at the chance. Seems courier overload these days with the likes of Amazon etc.
  7. They are out there already Colin, spoke to a guy in the UK last year that would ship swords. Though only to the destination airport for pick-up and vice versa. Full delivery was extra cost. I did put a link on here somewhere, at the time. At the time, was looking for a price to send a pistol to the US, so came across his service. From memory, it was around £450
  8. That would narrow the field too much for me, sadly.
  9. The reality is we here are a niche little community with an unusual hobby. Even mentioning the issue to the odd person and you kind of get a vague look, as generally, folks are not bothered whether or not there is a ban on shipping swords as it doesn't effect them. You hit the nail on the head, Stephen, its crazy. Though we have a community that do marches and stuff complaining that knives are the problem and totally miss out the underlying issues. At this stage, maybe if the Government issued licences for folks like us, may actually improve our chances in the future. Not that i want that, just see it as maybe a way to allow the community to continue, without further legislation.
  10. You make a good point Sam about tape with adhesive. On more than one occasion had swords turn up where someone has used tape on a shirasaya and it has left stains that can only be sanded off to get rid of them. Its a bit annoying.
  11. Could you imagine walking into a Ferrari dealers to look at a car and the dealer taking you straight to a small scuff on the back bumper and saying "look at this". That's not the way to sell stuff. Though they have been honest and ask folks to enquire,.
  12. Summed up nicely Colin, its a mess. Amazes me that they never get to the real issue and look like they never will.
  13. Your right about the couriers, Brian. Trouble is, politicians don't seem too bothered either, didn't get a reply when i wrote to the local labour MP, One day we might have to use expensive arms shippers for overseas purchases, just a cost we will have to put up with.
  14. Ive had a few that have started to come apart. Just tease it apart a bit so you you can put a bit of glue in, being careful not to split all of it open. Wrap some chord or elastic around it and let it dry over night. Dont use loads of glue. Some folks will split it apart in its entirety, clean of the old glue and then re-glue. Im in the do as little as possible boat, that will do enough to hold it.
  15. Both blades are on one paper, its a real daisho. as far as I'm aware. Naotane is a well known top notch smith. Price is up for you to decide, all il say is a Naotane daisho is going to be expensive. Those blades cant be judged from those images. ideally, you need to see them in hand. I would if that was my price bracket. They mention Kizu, look into it. Koshirae. a pair like that need high quality koshirae, the skys the limit. If you do buy them, dont cut corners on craftsman and quality fittings. Finding antique tsuba to fit wont be easy, Maybe, you should just look for a daisho with fittings, if koshirae is a big deal. Though you may have to compromise. Finding a pair of genuine daisho swords with koshirae will be kind of impossible. Though you might come across some very good swords, but not a real match. Bit of a money pit throwing money into a koshirae, better finding something already done. (thats my point of view)
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