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vajo last won the day on July 10 2024

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About vajo

  • Birthday 02/01/1969

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    Germany / Bavaria
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    History, old Motorcycles, SiFi, Diving and of course Nihonto

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    Chris Sch.

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  1. Very nice Soten Tsuba in perfect condition. We don't give here any value price options because collectors want to buy cheap too. For example this Tsuba is much lower qualitiy https://www.zacke.at...-scholars/?lot=73336 Another example https://onlineonly.c...hakudo-tsuba-1/12085
  2. @Lexvdjagt Your sword is old and it has Tokubetsu Hozon. So some trained people have judged it before and rated it tokubetsu. It is a proud sword.
  3. Its thin but its there. reshaped
  4. The price of everything in ancient times was affordable for the target group. A samurai with deep pocket could buy nicer stuff than a poor samurai. Its the same like those days It's like building houses today. Everyone complains that they can't afford a house, but they don't want to save and still want to afford a vacation and a car. Our parents built large houses with high interest rates and low incomes. They didn't go on vacation but worked for their dream. And that's exactly how it is in all cultures from the Stone Age to today.
  5. With some fantasy i could imagine that there is a star stamp to see. Ask him for better pictures Did you see it?
  6. Colin i think i misunderstood you, sorry. I thought these doubled color tsuba was the work of the artist. No i understand it was obvious the reason of a long time presenting.
  7. The side is longer treated with niage. There is no mystery in making one side darker.
  8. Yanagawa 柳川 school Someone of the shimizu family. My guess.
  9. After looking deeper on PC on those pictures i go with Bruce its a total fake sword. But its a very good made. With some nice paint job it could fool me.
  10. Bruce I'm not sure with this that is a fake. I would need better pictures. From my point the nanako is not inverse which shows mostly fakes. The menuki looks sharp. The hi looks nearly correct. The number looks not bad. The seppa has the original looking cherry blossoms on the rim. The clipper looks authentic. I'm not sure. If its fake its one of the best fakes i saw so far. Thanks a lot for showing it Bruce. Really cool. By the way i would not buy it because of its brass tsuka
  11. Maybe the ura side got an extra treatment with niage?
  12. @Bruce Pennington It's dated. The sword is not mine. I friend sent me the pictures of the sword he own's. oil quenched blade that looks acid polished for me.
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