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vajo last won the day on July 10

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About vajo

  • Birthday 02/01/1969

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  • Location:
    Germany / Bavaria
  • Interests
    History, old Motorcycles, SiFi, Diving and of course Nihonto

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  • Name
    Chris Sch.

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  1. Nice find. Is there a canvas sheet for the saya under the saya leather?
  2. I think its a smiling monkey. 😃
  3. Maybe someone who thought finding the mother of type98 koshirae and type95 blade swords. 😁
  4. I allways want to find out when i see a crude katana that it could be a korean hwando. What is the point that makes a difference? https://www.mandarin...ean-ceremonial-saber
  5. Thomas I didn't have that book and i found no table of contents in the net.
  6. Look at all the fake a.i. pictures people belive they are true. How should they proof if a text is true when they ask the a.i.
  7. Don't use A.I. A.I. makes you lazy and fool. No one will end up with the answer of an A.I. question. A.I. is the end of thinking.
  8. I see nothing on that picture. Its not there. No stamp.
  9. No on the ura side. The star is never on the date side.
  10. I'm no longer gold member so i can't post it here from my pc. You have used all of the attachment space you are allowed.
  11. Nice gendaito in a nice koshirae. I like the iron tosogu and the saya.
  12. Pax romana. Emperor Konstanin had a dream before the battle on the milvinien bridge against Maxentius 312. In this dream a angel told him to paint the shilds of the roman legion with the cho-ri sign to win the battle. And he won the battle. This was the beginning of the east and west roman empire.
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