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  1. Hello gents, I traded recently one of my swords for a splendid Kurihara Akihide katana, which was also introduced recently in the thread high class gunto by its previous owner. The sword was made in February 1945 and comes with the original shingunto koshirae. The mounts are in minty condition and look amazing. Everything works perfectly and is as good as it can be. The katana was recently polished by David Hofhine. Here are the measurements: Nagasa: 66,67cm Motohaba: 3,3cm Sakihaba: 2,31cm Motokasane:0,71cm The blade resides currently in Germany and can be shipped internationally. Payment should be done with bankwire or PayPal. The parcel can be shipped with DHL premium international, Fedex, or UPS. My asking price is 6300€ obo plus shipping and fees. Here is the link to the mentioned thread:https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/18610-show-us-your-high-class-gunto/page/21/
  2. Hello, I believe what I have here is a WW2 Japanese Samurai Sword. I am new to Japanese Swords and know there is a lot around them, especially these WW2 era swords. I have posted a picture of the signature and a picture of the tang/blade, handle, and sheath. I think it is in rough shape but still find it cool. I posted a picture on Reddit and the tang was translated to: “豊後住國茂作 = made by Kunishige, resident of Bungo”. There are no stamps on the other side but what remains is old green paint the faintly resembles 31. Could anyone shed some light onto what the type of sword is, who the maker is, and if the blade is traditionally made and how old. I really want to know if the sword was made specifically for WW2 or if it is an older blade that was brought to war. I would be greatly appreciative! thanks, Ben P.S. I can post more pictures if needed
  3. My Masatsugu gunto arrived today - I got it from a fellow NMB member to whom I am most grateful. The leather clad saya came with a matching tsuka cover. I very much doubted that the sarute was original to the koshirae, but now that I see it with my own eyes, I am beginning to have second thoughts.
  4. Hello NMB, I just made this account recently and am posting for the first time, but I have observed the forums from afar for some time. I already know preservation is the objective here so I am looking for a nihonto that is both young (preferably post-WWII) and doesn't have any artistic value (no NBTHK/NTHK papers) to do tameshigiri with. If I were to catastrophically mess up a cut, I don't want to ruin a historical/culturally important sword. This will also be my first one, so I think having a gendaito with no significant value can be a good way to experience handling and caring for a nihonto. I have already found a site called e-sword and another called samuraishokai, they both have swords that fit what I am looking for. Can anyone tell me about these sites? I saw in another thread that e-sword is a trusted seller. It would also be great if someone could point to other sites that sell gendaito like the ones I'm looking for, the more options the better. https://e-nihontou.c.../list?category_id=21 https://www.samuraishokai.jp/index.html Thank you, Connor
  5. https://www.ebay.com/itm/355506420160 I'm currently selling this Gendaito I bought a while ago. Price is negotiable. Gendaito Katana, Signed Yoshichika (may 1944). This is a Gendaito made in May 1944 by Yoshichika: the fittings are combination of traditional koshirae and Gunto koshirae, this is an arsenal sword. The tsukaito is lacquered silk and fits loosely, The tsuka has some rattle Yoshichika was known for using unorthodox materials for his blades, this one appears to be made from a modern steel as opposed to Tamehagane, which isn't unusual for swords of this era, but is definitely made through traditional methods. The hamon is VERY light and difficult to see unless under very specific lighting due to the polish variation, but it is definitely there with a suguha hamon. The koshirae are an interesting mix of Traditional Edo Era style fittings with elements of Imperial Japanese Gunto fittings: Primarily with Gunto style Menuki and Kashira. Additionally, and interestingly, the Menkui are placed in the tachi-style top right bottom left configuration, seen often on arsenal swords and gunto. Additionally, the Naval Knot on the tsuka is the right hand side. All of this points to the sword being worn tachi/gunto style with the blade facing down, yet the sword is fit with a standard Uchigatana style saya to be worn with an Obi, facing up. The saya is a standard black lacquer with Buffalo Horn fittings on the bottom and top for stability. No major cracks or forging flaws. The blade is healthy and heavy without much Sori. STAND NOT INCLUDED Please forward me any questions Nagasa 27 inches Tsuka 10 inches Will be shipped with a free sword bag and the original registration license. The blade will be be oiled before shipment.
  6. Hey guys, Posting this for a friend who is not tech savvy. He wants to know who this smith is. He believes it to be a gendai smith by the name of Okano Mitsuhiro. I attempted to look them up and found nothing. Anyone got a lead on this smith or has he discovered one that's fallen out of the meikan? Also, what kamon is that? It appears to be cast into the piece, rather than attached like a usual one. 27" nagasa with an attractive sanbonsugi hamon. Very minty Type 98 mounts. Thanks!
  7. Lots for the translator here, anyone have a good reading for this name?
  8. Just out of export jail and transferred safely to my care, a katana signed by Hizen Kuni Masatsugu, real name Taguchi Kiichi. He was an accepted army swordsmith and was rated a “one million yen smith” at Toko Taikan. NBTHK Hozon papers issued 2021. Based on mei location, overall length and the period it was produced, I believe this sword to be a former gunto. It is around 64cm nagasa with 1.5cm sori. Hamon is a well done, regularly thick suguha and jigane is well packed. It is well polished. What really grabbed my eye though is the koshirae, a meticulously made false hiking stick. Shikomizue were often made with wakizashi, yari, sharpened farming implements or chains as the concealed weapon and were mostly made when it was necessary to conceal one’s weapon. It’s interesting to see a gendaito with such koshirae. I wonder if it was made to scratch a particular itch in the previous owner’s collection, or perhaps for some other reason.
  9. St. Croix Blades currently has 50 Japanese swords, tosogu, etc. in its eBay Store listed. You don't have to have an eBay account to purchase. I will pull any item that you wish to buy. Prices are often negotiable. Trades can even be an option (I'll be converting your trade items into cash by reselling them, so the value of your trade items needs to be higher than the negotiated purchase price--I need to take time to photograph and list any trade items, wait for their sale, then ship, etc.). Contact me here to let me know what you would like to negotiate on. https://www.ebay.com...&LH_SpecificSeller=1 Thank you! --Matthew Brice St. Croix Blades
  10. Two new sword listings on St. Croix Blades site: 1. RARE ~1935 date Type 94 Two Hanger Army Gendai by Masayuki. 1 in 1000 swords approximately are Type 94's. It's a rare one! harder to find crab claw hamon. stamped signature. Fine gendai sword. $3500 https://stcroixblade...2-hanger-rare-mount/ 2. RARE Red Sharkskin Saya Army Sword. Old family blade by Ueno no Kami Fujiwara Sukekane, 1688-1704 A.D. $3800 https://stcroixblade...signed-samurai-rare/
  11. YOSE

    Sō Tsutomu

    I have been lurking in this forum for some time, but rarely post anything. I apologize for that. Please also move this thread to the appropriate sub-forum, should it not be. I have been trying to "authentify" a gendaitō/shinsakutō that is supposed to be made by the honorable swordsmith Sō Tsutomu (宗勉), who unfortunately passed away in 2015. It seems that he specialized in replicating Kiyomaro clan's style, but this blade does not seem to match this description. It appears to be rather a wise and disciplined suguha and a rather short blade length, among others. I had the unfounded impression that NMB is rather old blade-orientated (?), therefore hesitated to ask here. The sword is no longer in Japan and is not in my possession. It is not for commercial gain nor for item sales as it already has been sold. I am rather new to nihontō and still need guidance from experienced people. May I ask the collective wisdom here for some expertise on that particular blade? Sincere thanks in advance. Yoshi
  12. I offer a very beautiful yasukuni to made by the famous tosho Kotani Yasunori in March 1943. This especially long katana comes in shirasaya and the original matching numbers shingunto koshirae. This yasukunito has a good wartime polish, so every activity is clearly visible. Anyway I recommend a new quality polish to reveal the supreme beauty of the Yasunori entirely. The shingunto koshirae is in excellent to near mint condition. The locking mechanism works well. Here are the measurements of the katana: Nagasa: 69,85cm Overall: 91,44cm Motohaba: 3,175cm Sakihaba: 2,1cm Kasane: 0,63cm Sori: 1,9cm This katana was purchased from Ed Marshall. With his permission I post here the link to the former listing. There are detailed pictures and further information about this special smith. The asking price is 6250€ or best offer. The sword is currently in Germany and can be shipped worldwide with DHL premium international. As payment method I prefer paypal friends and family or bank transaction. https://yakiba.com/yasunori-kotani/
  13. https://stcroixblade...hop/Japanese-swords/ Layaway is available on stcroixblades.com. Put down a deposit to lock in the sale price even if you don't have the full funds right now. Let me know if you have any questions. --Matthew Brice St. Croix Blades
  14. I have a nice Emura for sale. This gendaito has a pronounced hada produced by forging with tamahagane. Nice sword. $3500 See a few photos below. MANY more photos can be seen on the website. Here is the link: https://stcroixblade...hop/Japanese-swords/ Let me know if you have questions. --Matthew Brice www.StCroixBlades.com
  15. Hello all, I’m a new member and this shall be my inaugural post. After some saving and as a university graduation present to myself, I have acquired a tantō signed “保則 (Yasunori)” and attributed to gendai smith Motomura Yasuhiro by Mr. Tsuruta of Aoi Art. The blade is in decent condition and original polish, I had a shirasaya and tsunagi made for it while I awaited the export permit. Currently, I have the koshirae in a sword bag in a wooden drawer of my china cabinet and the tantō in shirasaya in a sword bag, cutting edge facing up, in a watertight box with foam internal structuring. Are these acceptable storage practices? Additionally how frequently should I oil the blade to keep it preserved? I have been removing the old oil with alcohol and applying new oil once to twice a week (once weekly and when I unsheathe it) for the three weeks that I’ve had it, since I live in a very humid environment. Is this acceptable? I have attached images both for storage reference and to show the tantō. Thank you in advance ,James O.
  16. Here is the link to St. Croix Blades: https://stcroixblades.com/shop/Japanese-swords/ --Matt
  17. Here is the link to our new sword listings: https://stcroixblades.com/shop/Japanese-swords/ Thank you. --Matthew Brice www.StCroixBlades.com
  18. Picked up this sword fairly cheaply, no papers but the seller claimed it’s a gendaito. There is a visible hada, but I’m not entirely convinced that the Hamon is genuine. What do you guys think? The price was low enough that even if it’s not real it’ll work as a new cutter.
  19. Auction notice for an upcoming auction that has LOTS of Japanese swords in it (along with Southeast Asian items). Yes, I personally have a number of swords in this auction. And yes, I have MANY desirable swords in this auction. But there are probably 75 more Japanese swords, fittings, kabuto, etc. in this auction. A great selection. It's worth taking a look at I think. Just a few of the swords I personally have in this auction are: --2 Chinese Army General's kyu-gunto swords (not dress swords) --a katana by 5th Generation Tadayoshi, papered --NBTHK papered Nanbokucho katana by Sadanao, polished by Bob Benson, sayagaki by Tanobe sensei --papered Kamakura katana, attributed to Ko Naminohira --Yasukuni Shrine sword by Yasuyoshi --large papered Koto period jumanji yari --a Naval kai-gunto, Koto period blade, never been to shinsa --NBTHK papered gendaito by Baba Tsugukiyo --polished mumei wakizashi with exceptional fittings, and spectacular lacquer-work saya, never been to shinsa --etc. Here is the link to the auction site: https://bid.sofedesignauctions.com/ Again though, there are LOTS more Japanese swords and Japanese art in this auction. It's a loaded auction! --Matthew Brice
  20. We have a thread for Gendai-to but not gendai fittings. I am sure there are some great pieces out there. I shall start us off with my latest acquisition, a daisho set of tsuba by the premier American swordmaker Keith Nobuhira Austin. Quite chuffed with this find as it fits nearly everything about my collecting and experience... -t
  21. Dear members, Matt Jarrell is currently auctioning my Tsukamoto Kazuyuki katana for me on ebay. If there are still gendaito collectors interested in owning a premium special order Okimasa katana with a very rare alternative mei, I would recommend to visit the auction and bid for it. All the best Stefan https://www.ebay.com/itm/225149565850
  22. What characteristics besides the existence of showato and mass produced swords separate gendaito from Shinshinto? Basically, geometry wise, what makes these two different?
  23. Here is the link: https://stcroixblades.com/shop/Japanese-swords/ Thank you. --Matthew Brice www.StCroixBlades.com
  24. Here is a convenient link to the site: https://stcroixblades.com/shop/Japanese-swords/ Enjoy. --Matthew Brice www.StCroixBlades.com
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