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  1. Haven't posted here before so I figured I should.. My Bizen waki, this was my first nihonto Momoyama jidai Mei: Bishu Osafune Sukesada Suriage from an uchigatana
  2. The article is calling it one of "Japan's oldest Nihontō", dating from the end of the 12th century. It was found 80 years ago among some other swords hidden in the rafters of a treasurehouse on the grounds of Nara's Kasuga Taisha shrine. It was recently polished by Hon'ami Kōshū as one of the events of the shrine's ritual rebuilding (once every 30 years). After polishing, the sword was declared to be a Kohōki (古伯耆) sword made by Yasutsuna. It is accompanied by black lacquer saya dating from the middle ages, and it is thought the sword was presented to the shrine sometime during the Nanboku - Muromachi period. On display at Kasuga Taisha until March 26th. https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASL1H6S9SL1HPOMB009.html
  3. I can't decide which one of these two sword I should buy: Wakizashi #676 http://www.juwelier-strebel.de/asien-kunst/Japan/wakizashi-tanto.html Katana #713 http://www.juwelier-strebel.de/asien-kunst/Japan/katana.html
  4. https://www.japanische-schwert-galerie.de/pages/de/antik/katana--waki.--tanto.php?action=more&id=508&wb_6508_session_id=3166a20b17557bd290cdc26d0c78cae4 I've found a german website that only sells antique nihonto that are worthy of preservation. There is a sword (linked above) claimed to be made by a swordsmith called Kamino Nagatoshi who is said to have lived in the Hyuuga/Miyazaki prefecture, in the Bunmei era (1469-1487) in the Muromachi period. My problem is that I couldn't find any information about this smith in any of the avaiable online swordsmith indexes (in english). I've tried everything and I'm clueless. I don't know how or where I should continue my research. Do you know anything about him?
  5. Just acquired this beautiful tanto, and I'm trying to get a little more information. This struck me as a possible masamune copy, and based on the characteristics, my mostly amateur eye is guessing the blade is muromachi, and I could certainly be wrong! I am writing because I have had a difficult time finding much on hamidashi tsuba, and it looks as though every Hung matches. I still have not received the sword (bought through a buyer in Japan), and only have these photos for now. Any guesses as to age/maker, or any information is greatly appreciated!
  6. A NBTHK Hozon Wakizashi sword from personal collection for sale. This sword comes with its official NBTHK judgement paper. Mumei but the NBTHK attributes the blade to Bungo TAKADA (豊後高田) smiths, from late Muromachi period (c. 1558 - 1570) I believe. This sword is in good polish and overall health blade condition. The blade remains in good shape, and its suguha hamon and steel grains are clearly visible. There are only a couple of minor kizu (one small fukure, few light oxidation spots, and few surface scratches) detectable, but the blade is of course free of hagire or any major flaws (see attached pics). This sword comes with its own Shirasaya mountings. Nagasa is 52.7cm (20.76 inches). Total length while in shirasaya is 79.5cm (31.5). The blade weighs 750g (1.65 lbs). Asking price $2,500 USD or best offer. You may make your offer via my ebay listing page: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Authentic-Japanese-sword-w-NBTHK-judgement-paper-Bungo-Takada-wakizashi/272629139341 Or email me at: kuw148@psu.edu (Sword pics taken with my cellphone camera, please forgave my lackluster photography skill) Front side of the blade: Backside: Kissaki region, front and back: Nakago: NBTHK judgement paper (held against window light to show its watermark security feature): Blade in shirasaya:
  7. Absolutely stunning late Koto Bizen work. A single handed Uchigatana, poplular during this period. Uchigatana was a lighter single handed sword. A steep saki-sori, thin kasane and short nakago made this weapon a ease on the battlefield or in close quarters (indoors). Although this sword is mumei, it is attributed to Katsumitsu of Eisho era, makng this the 5th Generation Katsumitsu. Bizen no Kuni-ju Osafune Jirozaemon no Jo Katsumitsu. Son of 4th generation Ukyo no Suke Katsumitsu. Beautiful ko-mokume hada with ji-nie. Very active gunome-choji hamon with several tobiyaki. Boshi is ko-maru. This sword is completely flawless in every aspect and perfectly preserved. Attributed to a high ranking smith and polished by a high ranking polisher. Perfect example of Sue-Bizen craftsmanship. Nagasa: 61cm Sori: 1.3cm Kasane: 0.8cm (Yokote Kasane: 0.5cm) Mihaba (machi): 3.1cm Mihaba (yokote): 2cm This sword was recently polished by master Togishi Koichi Eto in Japan. It is also accompanied by Kanteisho designated by the NTHK-NPO in Japan. This Uchigatana is currently available for purchase: $9,500 USD Best to reach me by email if interested, thank you. Travisclarke@telus.net
  8. Hi all, just thought I'd post pics of a Sadatsugu (I'm told)53cm nagasa wakizashi, Sorry about pics all i got. I'm looking 2 add this one shortly 2 the lot, and would like 2 know more about it. Comments all good, thanks Details not 2 good in pics Mark L
  9. Hi, I have a ww2 GUNTO (leather combat cover missing), with a KOTO blade, MUMEI with BoHi. It has a 26inch cutting edge, and 27inches to the TSUBA. It has a silver coated copper RAIN engraved HABAKI. A straight HAMON, and no other markings. It is in good shape, and feels beautifully balanced in the hand. Is it possible to make a stab at a SMITH, SCHOOL, LOCATION, DATE or any other information. Neil.
  10. Hey guys, A friend of mine recently sent me this sword to look over. He's had it for several years now under the assumption that it is Shinto Ishido School work. That was the opinion of the togishi that last worked on it. It very well could be Ishido work. Last week I posted this sword on a Nihonto Facebook group and started a decent discussion. I've had quite a few very good and informative opinions on this sword so far. Some suggested it could also be a ubu Koto Bizen Uchigatana. Before I thoroughly examined this sword and asked around a bit, I originally thought it was O-suriage. The yaki-dashi and second mekugi-ana threw me off. I figured I would post it on NMB and get a few more opinions. A much broader audience here on the NMB. This sword has recently been returned to its owner. He plans to send it away for a new shira-saya and papers soon. Any and all opinions are welcome. Thanks.
  11. Early Koto Mumei Wakizashi - O-kissaki shinogi-zukuri Blade in older polish In Koshirae with iron Higo style fuchi & kashira with gilt inlay Old shakudo menuki and a rare Higo wrap of lacquered paper ito carved in tsunami maki Saya red matt with tooled brass kojiri and slot for kogai Habaki yamagane Blade length: 37.3cm Sori: 0.7cm Moto-haba, thickness at the Hamamachi: 2.6cm Kasane, thickness at the Hamachi: 0.5cm Era: Early koto £1950 for collection in London or SE UK or I will ship to UK/EU/ US
  12. Here is mine katateuchi with Hon'ami Koson sayagaki. Is it possible to pinpoint this sword to exact generation of Masahiro? One of the guys, who saw the blade says it is most likely 6th generation, the one who later become Tsunahiro. Additional photos are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j0c91jy5wpu54w3/AAAAU2s91OBOLc6uurgipVuBa?dl=0
  13. Hello everybody i am from Holland and hoped that somebody could give me some info about a short antique wakizashi? I like to get some info if it is possible about who made the sword? And when is it made? And what kind of crazywild hamon is this? A while ago i bought an old short wakizashi with a nice old and signed tang onthe sword. The total length is 51 cm. The cuttig edge is 38,5 cm The edge thicknes is 0,6 cm. And the edge widenes is 2,7 cm. My friend is polishing swords for some years now and i brought him the blade to show his polishing skills. After a week he phoned me up and told me that it might be a n important blade because he had never seen such a wild and misty kristal hamon in his life. He did not know what kind of hamon this was. So maybe someone can tell me something about this mystery blade? The seller thought it might be made around 1500 and he called it a Magoroku blade or signature. I did not understand it very well that's why i am asking the expert here. Thanks for everyone who wants to help me out!!
  14. Gentlemen, I'd call this a rare opportunity to own a long ubu Kamakura tachi. The sword is ubu, and with a nagasa of 81.5 cm (32 inch) it has an imposing size. A Hoju school sword that has been awarded a Tokubetsu Hozon by the NBTHK. This is not an art sword, but a formidable weapon and a rare specimen of an ubu Kamakura tachi. The Hoju school from Oshu (Mutsu) has been producing highly functional weapons which, unlike other Japanese sword, withstood the harsh coldness of Northern Japan. The sword retains a grand sugata, although it has had it share of polishes, and it displays all the characteristic o-hada of Oshu-mono, the most visible of all being the standing out, large hada (o-hada, hadatatsu). It feels very heavy in hand. It is very likely that the nakago had originally a more pronounced curve so that the koshi zori was deeper. It has likely been hammered back during the Muromachi period (a theory of a Japanese sword smith who has seen this blade) The hada is somewhat coarse, as is typical for this school, and there will be small tate ware here and there, but nothing that detracts. The sword comes in a Japanese shirasaya and an old one piece copper habaki. My pictures are pretty bad, but at least you can see the hada and some parts of the hamon. In one of the pics you will see the tachi together with another Kamakura sword - a suriage daito with a 70 cm (27.5 inch) nagasa. That should give you an idea how long this sword is Nagasa: 81.5cm Sori: 2.2cm Motohaba: 3.15cm Sakihaba: 1.8cm Motogasane: 7.5mm Sakigasane: 4.5mm Nakago: ubu Mekugi: 1 Jidai: Kamakura Province: Oshu (Mutsu) Hamon: Suguha cho with ko-gunome Boshi: Yakizume with hakkikake Jitetsu: itame $9,000 plus shipping and PayPal fees. Find me a long and ubu Tokubetsu Hozon tachi for this price if you can Bank transfer welcome, payment schedule possible (don't be shy, ask). Guarantee: 3 days inspection period and if, for whatever reason, you are not happy with the sword, you can send it back for a full refund (minus actual shipping costs)
  15. http://www.aoijapan.com/tanto-□masamuramasa-2nd-generation And, since the page will be removed from Aoi soooner or later, below is Aoi Art's description and two pics: Ordering number : AS14756 Tanto in Shirasaya and Koshirae.(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon ) Signature : □masa(Muramasa) (2nd generation) The sword Muramasa :Sue koto:Saijyo Saku:Ise province. Sayagaki: Mr Tanobe seize:explanation: Generally Muramasa was engraved 2 characters Muramasa But the blade was removed one signature Mura. Because Tokugawa Syogun issued impose the ban for holding Muramasa. This signature is a good data for this ban not holding Muramasa. The Tanto is the typical Nakago and jigane and hamon. Ise Kuni Sengo Muramasa. (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku and regular saku)This Tanto Masashige is Jyojyo saku ranking. The blade was polished by high ranking polisher. Blade length : 27.9 cm or 10.98 inches. Sori : 0.2 cm or 0.07 inches. Mekugi : 1 Width at the hamachi : 2.56 cm or 1.00 inches. Special feature : Muromasa was working at Ise Kuwana province which is called Yoto Muramasa.(specter sword) Grand father of the Tokugawa Ieyasu Hirotada was assassinated by Muramasa and his son Nobuyasu was ordered to Seppuku and killed by Muramasa. Ieyasu himself was injured by Muramasa Yari, so Ieyasu has a vehement hatred of Muramasa. So Tokugawa Syogun issued impose the ban for holding Muramasa. Many Daimyo changed the blade to another signature by removing one signature like this Tanto. Some Daimyo who dislike Tokugawa Syogu liked Muramasa and collected. The students of the Muramasa are Masashige, Masazane and so on. I think The Hamon of the Muramasa is very big differen from other sword maker’s The Hamon is square shape gunome midair and same hamon on bit sides of the blade. In case of the Muramasa, even if the signature removed, the value is not changed a lot compare original signature sword. Recently it is very hard to buy Muramasa. We recommend this rare sword Muramasa for you. Koshirae: Tsuba:Mokko shape Shakudo Sukashi Tsuba. Kiri Mon is engraved with gold color. Fuchikashirae: Shakudo, clouds and dragon are engraved with gold color. Saya: Black color. Kizami Saya and clouds design is painted. Menuki: Shakudo, chrysanthemum is engraved with gold color. Kozuka and Kogatana: Shakudo, two dragons are engraved with gold color. NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper. Aoi Art estimation paper : whole Oshigata. Auction Starting Price : 3,800,000 JPY- (including shipping and 100% insurance fee) Kasane : 0.45 cm or 0.17 inches. Era : Late Muromachi period. Shape : The blade is regular size mihaba and Kasane with nice shape. Jitetsu :Koitame had and mokume hada mixed with jinie attach beautiful texture. Hamon : Niedeki gunome midare and square shape style mix, in Hamon there are sunaagashi and small kinsuji work. Boshi is round shape hakikake style yakisage.
  16. Hello members of the Nihonto Message Board. I've been looking at the following sword, for sale on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/291374956517?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT As I see it, the pros are that it is a signed (suriage) koto blade from a known maker of the ko-Uda school, assuming that the seller has attributed it to the correct Uda Kunitomo. The cons are that the rust is obscuring most of the blade's features, including any flaws that polishing might reveal. While I think it would be rewarding to get the blade polished, mounted in shirasaya, and sent off to shinsa I want to make sure that I'm not romanticizing the results of buying a cheap blade in crap condition off of ebay. I would appreciate if you guys could not only give me advice, but also talk me through the reasons for the advice so I can understand what you're considering or seeing that I haven't had the experience for yet. Also, I understand that daito polish, shirasaya, and new habaki are quite expensive. If I bought this, the goal would be to have it ready for NTHK shinsa this summer- is that a reasonable timeline for the polish/remounting process? Thank you for the advice.
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