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Found 4 results

  1. Dear all Tough times for sellers - but great times for buyers: I am offering a very nice Ko Kinko kogai made from yamagane with the design of a ruler. It was made in the 17th century or earlier! It is a great piece for mounting on a Higo koshirae or to collect. The condition is still nice although it is slightly bent (could be fixed, however). It comes with recent NBTHK Hozon papers! The asking price is very modest and far below of what I have paid for it. Total length: approximately 23.7 cm Asking price: EUR 590.00 (no discounts) plus shipping Shipping costs are (including tracking and insurance): Germany EUR 6.99 EU EUR 14.49 UK EUR 26.99 Worldwide EUR 47.99 Best Chris
  2. Hello, I recently found a wakizashi as I was cleaning out my grandfather's shop; this item was likely acquired by my great-grandfather when he was stationed in Japan during the Korean War. I am interested in learning more about this item and translating the text that I have found on the sword and its mountings. There is a signature on the tang that I believe is 備州長船住祐定 / Bishu Osafune ju Sukesada. I have searched the Nihonto Club swordsmith index and I found two signatures that match, one from Choroku/Bunmei (https://nihontoclub.com/smiths/SUK781) and one from Horeki (https://nihontoclub.com/smiths/SUK926). I would greatly appreciate a second opinion on this, as well as any further insights anyone can provide. There is also text on the tsuka, but it's hard to make out, even in person. It looks like there is both an ink marking as well as an inscription here. I figured that maybe someone who recognizes the characters might be able to figure out what they are. The scabbard also included a kogai and a kozuka, both of which have text on them. Thank you in advance for your time. I have attached the images in an Imgur link because they exceed the maximum file size allowed; please let me know if you need me to upload these in a different way, or if you need any different pictures / angles. Images: https://imgur.com/a/G5Wntkh
  3. Hello all, Its been a while since I posted but I have a piece here that I purchased pre covid at the SFO show in 2019 and would like some insight and/or opinions on it. I purchased this and it seemed like a legitimate piece at first glance, with very finely made details and mixed gilding, but when I got it home and started looking at the details up close with a loupe I noticed a few oddities. Fig 1 & 2 are overall photos of the front and back. The pieces seem to be traditionally constructed and not cast, the elements seem to be integrated with the base and the nanako seems to go 'around' the base of the elements in places (See kogai detail 2). Both pieces are non magnetic. Fig 3 & 4 are close ups of the work on the kogai and kozuka respectively. note that on closer inspection, one can begin to see where the gilding is showing on the nanako on the bottom left edge of the kogai in Fig 3, and there are some 'shiny' spots in the nanako on the left side of the kozuka in fig 4. Notice more of this 'overrun' on the edges of the phoenix element in the kogai closeups 1, 2, and 3. Upon further inspection, examples of this overrun can be seen in multiple other places on the piece, as well as places where the nanako seems gilded, and did not become black (Top right of kogai detail 1, top of kogai detail 6, top right of kogai detail 7, top of kozuka detail 3 and 7) I have considered that the nanako may have been colored in by a metalworking markup dye called dyekem, but I have tested a sample of dykem on a similar surface and it does not seem to be the case. All of this leads me to a few possible scenarios in order of my perceived likelihood: 1. This is a modern fake. 2. This could be a genuine original piece that originally had a gold nanako background, that was 'colored' in later by a owner or dealer. 3. this could be a genuine antique piece, with a construction method that I am unaware of and have never seen nor heard of. All photos can be accessed here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ocTp54uHSH8EIH8EX5K-ZPIf8ak5908n?usp=sharing These pieces look very finely detailed in hand and the photographs do not really capture that very well. What are your thoughts regarding these? Thanks for your input, -B.S.
  4. Early Koto Mumei Wakizashi - O-kissaki shinogi-zukuri Blade in older polish In Koshirae with iron Higo style fuchi & kashira with gilt inlay Old shakudo menuki and a rare Higo wrap of lacquered paper ito carved in tsunami maki Saya red matt with tooled brass kojiri and slot for kogai Habaki yamagane Blade length: 37.3cm Sori: 0.7cm Moto-haba, thickness at the Hamamachi: 2.6cm Kasane, thickness at the Hamachi: 0.5cm Era: Early koto £1950 for collection in London or SE UK or I will ship to UK/EU/ US
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