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Poll: How often do you visit the NMB?

How often to you visit the Nihonto Message Board, even if briefly?  

91 members have voted

  1. 1. How often do you visit the NMB?

    • A few times daily
    • At least once a day
    • A few times a week
    • At least once a week
    • Around once a month
    • Once every few months

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I'd like to get some feedback from the members if you don't mind. This is an anonymous poll, and I would like to gauge how often members access the forum. I'll leave it running for a few weeks to get a good overall result. This is for registered members, and of course will not be tallying the number of guests who visit daily or weekly.
Appreciate you taking the time to vote.

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11 hours ago, 1kinko said:

Anybody else notice how posts go down on the weekend?- when people aren't at work!

Exactly!!!  Not because people are doing hobby sword stuff at work (good use of dead time, if you ask me!) but because my addiction gets a little edgy on the weekends with not enough happening on the site.

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10 hours ago, BIG said:

How many members are able to POLL..??


Count 66 votes at all, do we suffer heavy member losses??

We have had 516 members visit since the 1st Dec. And an average of about 75-150 people a day visiting every hour or 2, including guests. You can see from the chart below, that we have a huge number of people at any particular hour of the day, although far more guests browsing than logged in, as is normal for a forum.
So I think it is just a case of some people not visiting certain sections.
This is just for one random day in November. Lotta people.
Bear this in mind when wondering how many people actually read without commenting.




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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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