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Everything posted by TETSUGENDO

  1. Robin, always a nice set to revisit, I like the choice of a white background to put the composition in silhouette...it enhances the dynamic movement of the figures. Cheers, -S-
  2. You presumption is incorrect, and now your just being silly. I thought your inquiry was a serious one, apparently not. -S-
  3. Cameron, ?????????????I'm confused! You've gone from a hermetically sealed exotic gas filled storage unit, and now like the idea of long term storage of your naked blade in an atmosphere with 30 to 40% humidity....good luck with that. Why bother with a case at all, just set it out on a stand and be done with it. -S-
  4. Cameron, What could you be missing? You seem a methodical fellow, just check on ALL the details e.g., is the silicon glass adhesive gas permeable or not and you should be fine. -S-
  5. Cameron, Seems you've put quite a lot of thought and effort into this project, if the blade is worthy of this elaborate housing I don't see why you shouldn't proceed with it. With the addition of a one way valve, and suitable gasket material, your case should be capable of containing the inert gas of your choice. Best of luck! -S-


    An oldie but a goody. -S-
  7. A veritable Cornucopia, handsome pinecones. -S-
  8. Another nice Jingo tsuba, 17th C. -S-
  9. Interesting, I missed this one, thanks. Worth checking in on, he's got a nicely curated selection...some of the paintings are even worth concideration. -S-


    Agreed, I'm sure the person who opened this thread had no idea. To prevent this sort of thing from recurring some old threads should, perhaps, be locked....someone could always reintroduce the matter if they felt it warranted. Surely anyone who had the pleasure of reading a post by Thierry remembers him fondly, his absence here is notable. Out of respect I felt compelled to leave this thread in the good order he had left it in. -S-


    Thierry has it right! BTW, no roof tiles and definitely no Aztec influence...design is Japanese. And yes, both tsuba are very similar, both very fine. -S-
  12. The design is the Phoenix, Ho-o or Ho-Ho, all the same...no roosters here. -S-
  13. Chris, A very fine first effort, most make quite a mess of things, keep at it you've a natural affinity for this work....well done! -S-

    Tsuba motif

    Could well be Chris. this design is often interpreted as drawer pulls but in this instance perhaps not. At any rate it's a nicely balanced design with lots of character. Cheers, -S-

    Tsuba motif

    Hi Chris, table is a possibility as is a drawer pull. Also take a look at this design element(circled) on the facade of Himeji Castle, Osaka. Cheers, -S-
  16. Design and execution of you tsuba is more refined Robin...it stands alone, although a set would be interesting! Cheers, -S-
  17. Chris, Perhaps it has been misdirected, give it a little more time before you sink into total despair. Nice tsuba, hope it shows up soon. -S- p.s.-one thing about postal carriers, spin the wheel enough times....and they ALL loose or misplace packages.
  18. I've actually grown Water Chestnuts and I'm having a hard time seeing the resemblance here. Perhaps it is, yet it seems a strange rendition. -S-
  19. Ron STL, while searching for your tsuba motif I came across something that should interest you. The righthand image was identified as belonging to http://www.legacyswords.com, it is no longer on the site but you may find the information you seek there. -S-
  20. Physical books are a joy, and digital references are a great asset on the go.....Simply, the more reference material the better! -S-
  21. Looks like a simplified version of the Chinese "seal" form Shòu (longevity) to me. -S-
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