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Ray Singer

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Ray Singer last won the day on January 14

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    Ray Singer

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  1. Josiah Boomershine. https://www.facebook...m/josiah.boomershine
  2. A skilled sayashi can craft a rough tsunagi based on the shape of the koshirae and then adjust to fit by seeing where the tsunagi has contact points. I have done this process myself. It is achievable without the original blade to work from.
  3. Agreed, thanks for the correction Steve.
  4. The blade is signed Nagayoshi. The tsuba is signed Shoami Sadashige.
  5. Asano Kanezane https://www.Japanese...dex.com/kanezane.htm
  6. Please see below for information on this swordsmith. https://www.google.c...=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
  7. Ray Singer


    Echizen ju Kinai saku
  8. In 'terms' of Koto. Simply a typo.
  9. And for a blade, it is typical to have had many mountings over time (shirasaya and koshirae). In almost no cases would a blade of this age have its original shirasaya or koshirae from the time it was made during the Muromachi period.
  10. I'm terms of Koto, this refers to a time period. Please see below. https://www.touken-w...through-the-ages-en/
  11. A sword with a gimei (fake inscription) will not receive kanteisho (certification papers). I would enjoy the sword as it is.
  12. Hi Gus, it may be easiest to keep all the photos in one post rather than managing several parallel posts for the same sword. These papers attribute to a koto Sukesada working in the late Muromachi period, circa Tensho era. Bizen Osafune school.
  13. Bizen no kuni Osafune Yasumitsu.
  14. Kanekage
  15. Signed Tanba (no) kami Yoshimichi. Unfortunately though this does not appear to be an authentic example of his inscription. The blade looks to be Showa era, and it is not uncommon to see gimei ( false inscriptions) purporting to be famous Shinto swordsmiths produced at that time.
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