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Everything posted by Nobody

  1. Rewrite 戸石合戦 (Toishi kassen) - The battle of Toishi - [村上義清 (Murakami Yoshikiyo) vs. 武田信玄 (Takeda Shingen), ca. 1550] 内藤 (Naito) - family name? 人馬トモ切落 (Jinba tomo (ni) kiri-otosu) - Cut off both man and horse. 光元 (Mitsumoto) Note; Imformation from morita san included
  2. I am unsure. Actually I tend to read 発見せし.
  3. 林家の家宝 – A heirloom of Hayashi family 二郎記 – Jiro wrote 鉄鐔 – Iron tsuba 越前記内作 – Echizen Kinai made 此初午の鐔は越前福井藩士林左治衛所持の刀の鐔なり – This hatsuuma tsuba was used for the katana of 林左治衛 (reasing?) who was a retainer of Fukui-han in Echizen. 大正大震災にて土蔵焼け落ち焼跡より□見せし品なり – At the great earthquake disaster in Taisho era, this was found among the debris of burnt down storehouse. 昭和乙卯 – Showa Kinoto-U (1975) 林越奈記 – Hayashi Etsuna? (unsure) wrote
  4. 摂州大坂住人 – Sesshu Osaka junin 梅忠壽寛作 – Umetada Jukan/Toshihiro? Saku
  5. Even if that is a repetion, that is an NBTHK's matter, I think.
  6. The blade was submitted in the September 2022 shinsa. "04" on the topleft means 4th of Reiwa.
  7. THE Japanese ARMOR SOCIETY Ref. HOME | Japanese-armor (japanesearmorsociety.com)
  8. I think that the design is a spool. Your tsuba may be a cutout of a tsuba looks like below. Ref. Iron sukashi tsuba - wild geese and fishing net(?) Opinions please. - Tosogu - Nihonto Message Board (militaria.co.za)
  9. The second tsuba: 天下中興開山 – Tenka chuko kaizan (Restoration founder) 正阿弥金十郎 – Shoami Kinjuro
  10. Bunka roku nen (=1809) is not 8th but 6th of Bunka.
  11. 八幡公所佩貫級刀製 – Imitated kankyuto which was worn by Hachimanko 八幡公 (Hachimanko) means 源義家 (Minamoto no Yoshi’ie). Ref. Minamoto no Yoshiie - Wikipedia
  12. 孔雀文透鐔 – Kujaku-mon sukashi tsuba 昭和己酉年夏 – Showa Tsuchnoto-Tori no toshi (Showa 44 nen – 1969), natsu
  13. FYI: Yahoo!オークション - 見事な2本樋入り 出来すばらしく ( 注文打ち 裏...
  14. 葛竜軒 - Katsuryuken 政盧 - Masayoshi
  15. As far as I could understand I tried to read. 越前国康継 小札 – Echizen no kuni Yasutsugu, Kofuda 磨上無銘□□□□ – Suriage mumei + something 審定二代康継□□□ – Attributed to Yasutsugu 2nd+ something 昭和拾一年霜月上浣 – Showa 11th year, early Novenber 長壱尺参寸九分 – Length: 1-shaku 3-sun 9-bu 時代 寛永 – Era: Kan'ei 本阿弥宗景 – Hon’ami Sokei
  16. Here is an NBTHK Hozon mumei katana with Okada Jurobei’s kiritsukemei. So, he seems to be a real person, though Kotetsu mei may be questionable. Ref. 日本刀 刀 無銘(越前関)(銀象嵌)下ヲケス工落岡田十郎兵衛重長(花押)試焉 (金象嵌)ニツ胴入土壇村井三丞長止(花押)試焉 |日本刀 刀剣販売 e-sword
  17. 石原 – Ishihara (family name) 通廣 – Michihiro (smith’s name) His real name is 石原周造 (Ishihara Shuzo), and he was one of army approved swordsmiths in WWII era.
  18. I guess that Sasaoka is the name of the person who wrote the memo.
  19. 笹岡 - Sasaoka (family name?) 珍品 - rare article
  20. Matsukawa-hada of Bishu Osafune Kiyomitsu (Using LUMIX G MACRO 30mm)
  21. As a shot in the dark, 藤雄鏨 以明珍鍛 ??????????
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