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Show Us Your High Class Gunto

lonely panet

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Rather than "bickering" as Hamfish says, I will accept the challenge from Franco D and try and take better photos. As "oli" suggested, I will rig up better lighting. 

My original post was photographed as I was doing its regular clean and oil, and not set up for photography. 

So how about we take a rain check on the discussion, and I will post (hopefully) better photos. 

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A progress report. I bought a small (probably too small) LED light, and took some more photos. Whilst the sword looks great in the light, capturing it on iPhone camera is challenging, my daughter held the light and I tried to take photos. As I said, I will get the right gear probably after Easter and try again, so some photographic progress is being made, but I will do better. 

These 3 photos were taken at different areas of the sword, with different light angles. Hada and Habuchi are better pronounced, but I want to do better.  




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From what I've experimented with when taking photos of my collection is using an umbrella light. There are some cheap options on amazon, I think I got mine for 25 bucks when they were on sale. I have 2 of those set up and lay the object on black fabric. If taking a picture with your phone. Turn off all the AI adjustment and auto focusing as that will drown out some important details. It takes a little longer to take the photographs, but the result is worth it. 


Hope this helps! Great pictures and great swords! 

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10 hours ago, IJASWORDS said:

OK, got some advice from a sword buddy, a quick setup and progress being made. 


Better. We can see that this polish is definitely doing this sword no favors. However, the fact that it is a water quenched hamon is coming to light. The question of hand forged from machined steel vs tamahagane in these new images hasn't been answered. 


Perhaps, to continue this conversation this subject might be moved to a new topic in this forum?




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1 hour ago, David Flynn said:

Franco, if you bother to do a little research, you'll find the Yoshimune, only made Gendaito.  


Citations welcome?


Please describe this jigane/jitetsu?  



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  • 3 weeks later...

Yoshimune was an excellent smith and rated at 2 million Yen. He only made High to Superior Grade Gendaito. As with many swords from the Shinshinto period forward, the hada is a tight ko-itame or muji.


Neil's sword is pictured on page 199 of Slough's. It is the one on the right with the Hachiman Daibosatsu inscription. The one on the left next to it is excellent as well. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Early Kai Gunto with blade by Echizen Daijo Kunisada, son of Mizuta Kunishige (perhaps Oyogo Kunishige school from the Nakagojiri). There are small pins securing the Kabutogane and Ishikuze, which to my knowledge is rather unusual.







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  • 2 weeks later...

G'day Guys,

I was recently tempted by this nice gunto. The type 94 koshirae has a sakura, chuso release button and mon on the menuki. The blade is mumei, shinshinto and attributed by the NTHK to Chounsai Tsunatoshi. The blade is a little unusual in that the nagasa is only 63.6cm, but it is very stout at the machi and tapers down to normal dimensions at the yokote.






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G'day David,

The NTHK attribute it to the first generation.


The sword was captured in New Guinea by an Australian army officer. There is a video of him online describing his encounter with the sword's former owner in the "Australians at war film archive". The Japanese officer (apparently a Major) was attempting to infiltrate an Australian position at night.



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  • 4 weeks later...

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