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David Flynn

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David Flynn last won the day on July 30 2019

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    David Flynn

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  1. Going by the shape, if the sig is legit, then my guess would be 3rd gen. Unfortunately, Kunisuke, swords are often Gimei. I have a Kawachi no Kami Kunisuke Nidai, and the sig and shape don't match.
  2. I've seen similar swords that were made in China, for domestic use during the war. Hey, it's only a guess. One of the engravings, looks like the Hong Kong flag.
  3. Only to some Militaria collectors, and only as an oddity. If you were selling it on ebay, I would advertise it as a "Japanese occupied forces sword". And you never know.
  4. I'm not sure this is actually a fake. I think, this may have been produced in the Chinese occupied territories for local forces. It's definitely not a Japanese produced sword.
  5. Good smith, good sword. However, I think your date maybe 1938.
  6. The discolouration, is actually the Hamon. The "Whiter" Shade, is an old Hadori polish.
  7. Three reasons for buying a sword. Age, Price and do you like it? This one to me comes along the lines of, do you like it?
  8. Just one more please. A close up of the Hamachi area.
  9. Glenn, if you could, would you please take a photo of the blade without the habaki? Also, a photo of the Kissaki. Thanks.
  10. G'day Glenn, Your sword is signed Hiromitsu, I believe. The sword appears to be an older sword, that has been shortened (Suriage+ Machiokure). It's hard to guess the age from your photo's, however, as a guess I would say mid Muromachi period. circa 1500.
  11. Sukehiro.
  12. Kazu uchi mono, like all swords, come in various shapes and quality. Unlike showato, these swords paper. But hey, it's only my opinion. Personally I don't care one way or the other.
  13. Depends on how they are cared for. Showing one example doesn't prove anything.
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