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Found 12 results

  1. This right here is my Netsuke that I got as a present from my grandmother. My grandma told me that this has been her mothers for as long as she can remember and she believe that her mother bought it when visiting london as she used to do alot during her lifetime. So we believe it to be bought around 80 something years ago and I was just coming here to get a second opinion on it. What's everyones thoughts on it? It depicts a man sitting down with two frogs climbing his body. One sitting on his knee hugging his stomach and one on his left shoulder.
  2. Type: Wakizashi Nakago: ubu Mei : Sagami no Kami Hiroshige Papered by the NBTHK to Tokubetsu Hozon Era/Age: Kanbun (1661-1673) Shirasaya, Koshirae or Bare Blade? : Shirasaya Nagasa/Blade Length : Sori : 1.5 cm Hamon Type : notareba Jihada : itame Other Hataraki Visible : Ashi, Yakumo-midare jigane, Ko-nie Flaws : none Sword Location : CO USA Will ship to : most countries Payment Methods Accepted : Zelle, Cashapp, Venmo, Wise, Paypal Price and Currency : $4500 USD More Info: This is a very fine and healthy Soshu blade crafted and signed by the second generation Sagami no Kami Fujiwara Hiroshige (相模守藤原広重), this blade comes from the Kanbun era(1661-1673) in the early Edo Period. The Bushu Shitahara school, where Hiroshige was trained, is in what's now Hachioji city, Tokyo. Founded by Yamamoto Norishige, the school flourished from the late Muromachi to the late Edo period (late 16th to late 19th century). Terushige, a notable pupil of Norishige, taught the first-gen Hiroshige, who then established his lineage in swordsmithing. The second-gen Hiroshige, originally named Yamamoto Fujiemon, was his eldest son. A famous example of this school is the smith Musashitaro Yasukuni. It is an ubu, signed blade, featuring only the original mekugi-ana. It is in good polish, allowing for full view of the blade's craftsmanship. The blade’s activity is extremely striking. The hamon is notareba with very visible ashi in the yakiba. The boshi is very visible as komaru within the surface of the O-kissaki. The itame-hada is well defined and jigane is made up of “Yakumo-Midare” which is the specialty of this group of smiths. The color is a beautiful deep blue when viewing it under direct light. Nagasa: 51.1 cm Sori: 1.5 cm Moto-haba: 3.02 cm Saki-haba: 2.09 cm Kasane: 0.7 cm Accompanying the blade is a well made copper niju-habaki, a well fitting and finely shaped shirasaya, a buffalo horn mekugi, and a velvet colored silk storage bag, and lastly a full oshigata on traditional rice paper.
  3. Here are some Arita-yaki cups and a small plate my wife picked up during our trip to Japan. I also really like them and just wanted to share. The Arita-yaki pottery kiln is in the city of Arita of Saga Prefecture located on Kyushu Island. Pottery has been procedued in the area of Saga for over 400 years. In the Edo Period it was Hizen Provience and Saga (佐賀) was the name of the castle town (jōkamachi 城下町). Feel free to discuss it politely and share any examples you might have.
  4. (Story details are a little fuzzy) Way before I was born, my grandfather had a beautiful early Kamakura period Ko-Aoe Tachi (either Juyo bunkazai or kokuho) during the early 70s-80s. Which ended up being returned/sold to Japan and now resides in one of the museums (not entirely sure which one). Is there an online archive with pictures of the current National treasure swords? Seeing how there’s only 112 that have received National treasure designation, I suspect it wouldn’t be too hard to find pictures of the one we once owned. Given the school, province, and period should also narrow it down to a few. I’d be ecstatic for any information of where I can find pictures of the current treasures, Thank you!!
  5. I'd be grateful if anyone can help with the identification or meaning of the symbols on this tsuba, which has a shakudo rim and on both sides are groups of three (two a couple of times) stokes pointing to the middle (amida-yasuri-me?). I did find a tsuba with the same sukashi, though it is a different shape and with a different design. The description is that it is simply geometric decoration - but I feel there must be more to it. Thanks and regards David
  6. This is a small collection of Netsuke that I have. I think that they are all made of ivory. Phoenix (?) Pottery Merchant Woman and Child Rat with Turtle Turtle with Rabbit I know next to nothing about netsuke, but I think these were brought back from Japan when my grandfather did business there after World War II. I inherited them from my grandmother when she passed away. I would appreciate it if anyone could tell me more about them. I took these photos with my iPhone, so they aren't the best quality. Let me know if better photographs would be helpful. All of them appear to be signed. Some of the mei are easier to see than others.
  7. Lots of chatter lately about Kamakura - we should not neglect to note our own Robert Hughes and the dapper Hisashi Saito recently toured " the old capital" and made a terrific video record of their visit. Please view and share liberally...
  8. Hello Fellow Collectors, I would like to start off by thanking you for your continued support of my hobby, and some of you taking the time to guide me through what to look for in fittings and blades alike. This forum has been very supportive from the very beginning with my abused starter blades, which I am slowly taking the time to get restored professionally. My journey has taken me to Japanese Cherry blossoms at my local Japanese Society, it has taken me on virtual tours of Feudal Castles of Japan's glorious past, and virtual meetings with members discussing fittings and learning new terminology. I have been collecting for about a year now, so therefore decided to consider my first serious purchase, and recently received my latest acquisition; my very first signed piece, a Wakizashi signed by Kanesada. I am preparing to send this blade for Shinsa, as it is not papered, and would love your help to see if it is worth sending, and if it would pass the Shinsa with a slightly "tired" shinogi? If there are any experts on these smiths of Mino school, any help would be appreciated to help ID the generation and approximate time that this Wakizashi was made. It came to me in a Shirasaya, with no original fittings. The blade is done in shinogi-zukuri style, with a broad Kissaki. The hamon has a very balanced shape, is active, and has beautiful nie in the jigane (very bright nie-nioi) . With extremely beautiful gunome midare. The Nakago has signs of yasurime file marks, and is signed on one side "Kanesada" (thank you for help in translating on the translate forum) Any help would be greatly appreciated, look forward to sending this for Shinsa and getting my first papers complete! Measurements: Nagasa: 16.5 Inches Nakago: 4 3/4 Inches Sori (Curvature): 3/4 Inch Best, Gordan S
  9. Hello to everyone, This is my first post on subjects other than Japanese swords and I am really devoid of knowledge about this kind of art. So: Here is a bronze tiger statue I have, I bought it years ago. I was told it is called a "double patina" statue and It is from meiji era. It is also "signed", I have already seen this signature on other statues but also, as I am not Japanese speaker, I can't find anything on google. It measures 45,5 cm (17,71654 inches) from the tail to the head and 20,5 cm (7,874016 inches) of heigt (from the front paw to the nose) I would love if you guys tell me what's the real value of this and would really appreciate to know some history about the maker and this type of statue. I am sorry if it is not the right category to talk about this. Thank you really much Carl
  10. As the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor approaches, thought I would share some pages from a WW2 Japanese publication, detailing their attack. The book contains the strategy, officers, transparent overlays of recon photos, maps etc. I have offered this to the Pearl Harbor Museum, but no reply. Hope you Japanese military buffs enjoy. More photo's can be posted if there is interest.
  11. I am listing some books that I have twice. All books are located in Germany - so no custom fees for EU members (and shipping is also cheaper) Lethal Elegance, Joe Earle, English, Hardcover 35,00 USD 30,00 € 2) Facts and Fundamentals of Japanese Swords, Nobuo Nakahara/Paul Martin, English, Hardcover 30,00 USD 25,00 € 3) Armures du Japon, Robert Burawoy, French/English, Hardcover 60,00 USD 50,00 € 4) Samurai Armor design, Pie books, Japanese/English, Paperback 35,00 USD 30,00 € 5) Art and the sword - Volumes Four (1991), Five & Six (1995), Eight (2001) 50,00 USD 40,00 € All books are in very good condition Postage - 5 kg Germany, insured 7,50 € Postage - 5 kg EU, insured 18,00 € Package - 2 kg US, not insured 20,00 USD Package - 5 kg, US, insured 40,00 USD Payment options: Paypal (Friends&Family), Wire Transfer (I will provide my IBAN) Thanks for looking, Stephan
  12. Hello I have four seasons silk paints but I can'not read the hiragana signature Can anyone help me ? Regards
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