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Everything posted by PhoenixDude

  1. Its only accurate up to 18mm. After that who knows where the round will go.
  2. I have finished laquering a menuki box. this is my first box, and i think it came out pretty damn sharp. ​If anyone is interested, its for sale, because I have plenty of boxes here to practice on.
  3. I applied it in layers, layer 2 was a mix of red and diatomaceous earth at 1:1, then successive layers of red and then black at a 1:2 ratio to turpentine, then finished it with a French polish that I would let sit for a few minutes and then wipe off with a wet cotton cloth dipped in a mixture of water and a bit of detergent. Then a final polish with auto polish.
  4. Mejiro's Red and Black Pure Urushi, and yeah it wrecked my hands and knees at first until i started wearing a latex glove, wool glove and another latex glove on top of that, plus a pair of medical scrubs. My hands looked like the child of quasimoto and the elephant man for a while there.
  5. I was also wondering why some have writing/a grid on the back and some are blank?
  6. lack of much activity in the hamon.
  7. Modern, oil quenched iato sword. 2K is about what its worth.
  8. maybe the tsuka maker had a deep burning hatred of the tokugawa?
  9. Has anyone ever seen urushi lacquered pawlonia boxes for fittings? Im asking because it looks like im going to have alot of extra black urushi from a project im working on and im thinking about lacquering some of my storage boxes.
  10. So nobody has any idea of an approximate age, or school?
  11. No its iorimune, Tang is a bit thicker than the blade, its seen a polish or two. not that much thicker though, about 5-6mm max.
  12. Ive given the kissaki a close look, i dont think the hamon runs off the edge, but it gets close at some spots.
  13. Ignore the mei, pretty sure its gimei. The shinogi is shinogi zukuri, the blade is so thin though that its almost not there anymore. I'm starting to think this may be a katateuchi as well, albeit a bit suriage.
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