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  1. Past hour
  2. b.hennick

    Ko tosho tsuba...

    Period and comma...big comma
  3. Henry: I'm not sure what was used in this case, however just about anything can be used to create texture. A sealer is applied to the wood or metal (I use shellac) then a layer of guilders size (adhesive). Once tacky, the texture is applied and allowed to dry. It can be lacquered or painted at this point. After one coat, it can be rubbed down to expose more of the texture then lacquered, if desired. That's the basic process, anyway. John C.
  4. Today
  5. I am assisting with the sale of a large collection of fittings focused on catfish as their motif. I thought it'd be easiest to provide this image composite with all the fittings that are currently available. Please message me directly with any questions or to inquire about a specific piece that I have. Best regards, Ray
  6. The smith is Ido Hidetoshi. Please see below https://www.google.com/search?q="ido+Hidetoshi"+nihonto+site%3Awww.militaria.co.za&client=ms-android-google&sca_esv=b7c0b9c8093215b7&biw=412&bih=786&sxsrf=ACQVn0_l2S24fPW4d7H0gAYJ06fDzDsyPA%3A1713575024714&ei=cBQjZt6VK7zEp84Pk9OYmAo&oq="ido+Hidetoshi"+nihonto+site%3Awww.militaria.co.za&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIjAiaWRvIEhpZGV0b3NoaSIgbmlob250byBzaXRlOnd3dy5taWxpdGFyaWEuY28uemFI7T9Q-CJYoT1wAHgAkAEAmAG_BKABjQaqAQcwLjIuNS0xuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIAoAIAmAMAiAYBkgcAoAeHAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
  7. I recently received this sword from my father that my grandfather gave him. Sadly, the whole sword isn't in the greatest condition so I'm not fussed about changing in any way as the sentimental value to me makes it priceless. Any info on what this tang has engraved would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Thank you very much for the assistance, that is extremely helpful. Google translates the samurai name as "Hayashi Sajie" but I presume there are multiple ways it could be read? There are plenty of pages on the hatsu-uma festival/celebration, but this one (https://www.nippon.c...Japan-topics/c11802/) notes many of the symbols featured in the tsuba itself. Who knows if the information captured on the box is at all legitimate, but it does make for some interesting research. Damon
  9. Yesterday
  10. Henry, a good photo might be helpful so we know what you mean. In case you had AOGAI in your mind, it is the mother-of-pearl of the Abalone shell. Lacquer techniques can be very complex and time consuming which explains the cost of a good SAYA.
  11. Hello. This is always been a curiosity of mine, as far as what type of product is utilized to make green and other colored, spreckles ( for lack of better words) in a lacquered saya? Also, are the spreckles inlaid in dark/black urushi then topped off with clear lacquer?
  12. MauroP

    Ko tosho tsuba...

    OK, too easy this time...
  13. Are there any kesho yasurime ?
  14. 播磨守金高 - Harima (no) kami Kanetaka.
  15. Hello, Could someone please help me identify the swordsmith in this tanto? I might have an idea but AI isn’t very helpful today. Thank you in advance!
  16. rkg

    Ko tosho tsuba...

    I haven't been able to shoot anything for over a year due to health issues - but I FINALLY got the studio cleared out, the various wind up stands in place, figured out how photoshop photoshop had screwed up my workflow (and workarounds), etc, and... Just for grins, here's a couple of images of a ko-tosho (or at least that is what the NBTHK thought it was, FWIW) I picked up off of yahoo!Japan not too long ago. I am not sure what the theme is, comments about what it might be are appreciated. The little beastie has a black coating - when I get some more time I will have to ascertain if it's black lacquer (I that might be what is going on) or if somebody put black wax or something on it. I need to pull down the microscope and fix that workflow next, thought that might take a while as I have a whole bunch of other fittings to try imaging. The piece measures74.2mm(H) X 73.3mm(W). It measures 2.9mm(max) at the seppa area and tapers to 2.3mm (max) at the mimi. rkg (Richard George)
  17. Hello, Detailled photos of the mei has been done with my smartphone ! Luckily, there was a sunshine at this moment. Please find below few more pics. Very hard to do good pics of a sword, moreover with a bad polish. Hope you can see something. The hamon is suguha with nice nie. The hada is a tight itame. We can see it at the ha machi area that what more or less protected by the habaki. Unfortunately this area is very small. Giordy, you are right for the mei position in relation to the ana. When we look closely at this part, I am not sure the present mekugi ana is the original one. We can see another one that has been filled (red arrow on the pic). I guess it is the original ana. If we consider it as the original, then the 1st kanji start at the right place. If you like Sukehiro work, please also have a look at Sukenao, and Suketaka in shinshinto that make utsushi Thanks
  18. BTW for those interested: found a Japanese site that lists all fake sellers on sites like jauce etc.: https://gansakubokumetsu.web.fc2.com/
  19. I have been trying to find a nice kaigunto with sharkskin saya, vs. the same' skin. Hard to find. The one above makes me . That kaigunto would make a good match with my sharkskin kyugunto.
  20. And then this Mantetsu also from the same seller only sells for a modest $1100 even though these mounts are far more rare than the Type 98. I think certain eBay sellers have developed a status of being "trusted", whether this status is deserved or not it depends on the particular seller. This consequently inflates the prices they receive online. Mantetsu and Type 95 also seem to be items of interest for WW2 collectors that are not solely focused on collecting Japanese swords. https://www.ebay.com/itm/235403345246 Conway
  21. Thank you so much Steve. I really appreciate it.
  22. See your facebook messenger.
  23. He was selling a mantetsu at the same time that I believe also went for over 2500. The market seems strong at the moment. John C.
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