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Copper NCO at Sofe Design Auction

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Sure looks like brass to me. Tsuka looks to be the same color as the tsuba...brass.

Number on the blde seems very low

Markings on the fuchi look off.



Somone with more knowledge needs to clarify for us. @Kiipu @Bruce Pennington @Shamsy





They also have another NCO that looks off.




If my assumptions are incorrect, and these are authentic, glad I could help you locate some rare gems!



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The first one is fake. You would think an auction house like this one that sells a lot of Japanese swords would know better.


The second one is real, but the fuchi markings are very poor. This one actually sold on eBay a few months back. And now that I think about it the first one was also listed by the same seller. 



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Dan Sofe Auction appears to be a serial offender.


The pic of the fake copper below (blade #14458) was 'challenged' on a number of points earlier this year.  Its on our Fake 95 thread. 


SOFE's response was ....


Hello Rob, We have consulted several specialist in the field and they all confirmed the sword was authentic. Best regards




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