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Kanenobu. Signed Noshu ju Kanenobu.

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4 hours ago, Swords said:

if it’s a gimie


I think the mei is legit. Here is a pic of mine for comparison (not very good, but you can make out some kanji).

And just to emphasize, this is the son Shuji Kanenobu (his father went by Niwa)


John C.


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Very few gimei wartime Gendaito, especially star stamped ones. It will be legit. Not a terrible price for a RJT sword. You won't make money on it, but it will be a decent wartime Gendaito at a fair price.

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Thanks good to hear positive I probably got it a little cheaper if I asked less but didn’t want to lose it

Only wish it had a better hamon




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1 hour ago, Swords said:

Thanks good to hear positive I probably got it a little cheaper if I asked less but didn’t want to lose it

Only wish it had a better hamon





What do you mean by better hamon? Whats wrong with its hamon?

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Sorry I didn’t get back sooner I did a comparison of the mei from what I can see it looks the same to me 

I also compared to book by John Slough


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Yes David flamboyant probably a good analogy

but the characteristic by  this smith is wide suguba which I believe represents this hamon 

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I don't have a great knowledge but I'm learning everyday. What worries me is the large fukure on the hamon area. I believe it will be a tough job for the polisher to remove it right? It looks very deep.

So it's 2300 + polish..another 2k? 




Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 1.42.43 PM.png

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Is that a fukure? It can be seen on both sides of the blade, next to the habaki. The seller said it has no chips or cracks as per original post so... What is that? 

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To me, it looks like the blade had some corrosion/rust in the yakiba, and someone removed the rust with something abrasive.


I have a WW2 sword with similar issues. Probably not fatal - certainly not ideal.


It seems some less-informed folks would rather scratch up the blade and claim it to be "rust free and therefore 'very good' condition". I would consider that amateur restoration in my opinion, and something we should never do. 

Ultimately it boils down to what you're willing to accept as the buyer. 

All the best,

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You’re right  when I get a hands on look at it

I will take close up pictures 

Thanks again for all the help!

I’m glad I posted it 






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7 hours ago, Dereks said:

What worries me is the large fukure on the hamon area. I believe it will be a tough job for the polisher to remove it right?


Flaws within the hamon should be considered there to stay. 



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 I was so busy looking at the good part of the hamon I didn’t look hard enough at the bad part

I dont this would be considered Very good condition ?

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31 minutes ago, Swords said:

Very good condition ?


Obviously "very good" is subjective and open to interpretation. Personally, I don't think you overpaid (top of its value maybe) because the koshirae seem to be in good condition. If the blade were perfect and in perfect polish and being sold by some members of this board, it would be in the 3200 dollar range rather than 2300. It's a decent package and wasn't priced exorbitantly. Mal Cox has some really good info on this smith, if you have downloaded his excellent monographs from the download tab.


John C.

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Just wait until you receive it. Then you can see properly. Stain can look like pitting. Shadow can look like an opening. Just chill for a bit.

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Got the sword yesterday I had high hopes but to me it looked at some point someone tried to remove rust 

causing damage Too bad the rest of the blade looks nice ! Having a 2 million yen star stamped would have a decent sword to own 

The seller asked if I would take a partial refund but I don’t believe it can be restored ?

here pictures 








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