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ToShoW needs a new home

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As many of you may know, the ToShoW database files are on a "Geocities" site.

I wrote ToShoW years ago, with a lot of help from my wife and others in entering the data. Looking in this forum, it appears that a bunch of folks still use it - cool! And I just discovered that it actually runs under Windows Vista (until today, I had not run ToShoW myself for several years)!


But the free Geocities sites are going away soon.

So, ToShoW needs a new home.

Where would be the best place? Perhaps Rich Stein's site (he has a link to it)? Or the JSSUS site?


I'm looking for a volunteer - I'm not interested in setting up anything myself.



Pete McCollum

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Hi Peter:

I am sure that the JSSUS would gladly host the database. It would add greatly to web-presence. We currently host three databases. Grey Doffin's index to sword literature, Darcy Brockbank's Ninhonto database and Rich Turner's Kanji database. This would certainly add to the set. Please contact me at barry@hennick.ca to discuss this further.


Barry Hennick

Director/Ombudsman JSSUS

visit the JSSUS at http://www.jssus.org

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  • 3 weeks later...

ToShoW is planned to end up on the JSSUS site.

Until that happens, I can e-mail a single ZIP file that contains everything on request. The file is about 2.2 Mb in size.

I can be reached at the following (remove spaces, change 'at' to @, and 'dot' to .) :

saipan59 'at' Q 'dot' com.



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  • 10 months later...

HELP NEEDED: I am still trying to find someone with the expertise to make this program something that can be put up on a web-site and used from there. The way it is currently setup one needs to have it resident on a computer where one can choose which database to use. I think that if all databases were combined the program may work hosted on the JSSUS web-site.

If you think that you can do this sort of thing and are willing to offer your time and expertise to the sword community your hep would be appreciated. Unfortunately I do not have funding for this project so I and the JSSUS are looking for help.

Please contact me at barry@hennick.ca

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