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Chinese fake....maybe not

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I am not qualified to judge polishing but I would guess that was polished after Hon'ami Nisshū attribution and NBTHK Jūyō shinsa. In my opinion that polishing style does not fit what is common style for Niō or Mihara work, the polishing should be more subtle. Our members who know more about polishing would be able to comment better what possible enhancements or peculiar style might have been used in that polish etc..


This item has been around this year a lot.

First it was at Winners in April: https://www.winners-.../productDetail/97648

Then it was at Yahoo JP in August: https://buyee.jp/ite.../auction/b1100893218

And now it is at Aoi.


You can see the valuation of it goes from 1,3M -> 1,8M and now it is starting at 2,2M.


To me this is a problematic item that I would not want. Yes it has passed Jūyō but for me personally it does not seem interesting at all. I think Darcy used a term "Jūyō in name only" and I see this sword fitting that term. I would think this sword would not pass modern Jūyō shinsa at the moment. I might be bit harsh in my comments for once :laughing:

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