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Las Vegas Sword Show Jan 26-27, 2024

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Thanks to @Mark for organizing this show. Thanks also to all who answered my very novice questions and allowed me to handle and view their blades. This was my first sword show, and I learned a ton! The demonstrations were great, too.



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Thanks to everyone who attended, and those who had tables. It was the second year. I plan to do it next year Jan 24-25 2025  (Jan 22-25 for dealers and those with passes).   Plan early to come. I hope the expand and grow the show but i am happy with how it is going. A big thanks to Mike Y, Woody,  Brian T, and Dan and Jason for all they did to educate and demonstrate, they made the show a special event.   Being the second year i am happy with the results. I think there is room to grow and expand the show and i am just figuring out how to work with the venue.  All in all a great experience. It was wonderful to meet  Steve, Mark S' wife (met Mark S at Chicago) and Yurie (and her husband) i think i knew everyone else.  Sorry if i forgot anyone or was distracted but i get busy dealing with show "stuff". I can finally relax now i am home -- at least for a little while until i ramp up for Chicago....


here are a few pictures, the demonstrations were different this year. Brian and Woody demonstrated their crafts for 3 hours so you could walk by when you wanted and ask questions and interact with them, Mike Y gave a short introductory talk to explain what they were doing, very relaxed and educational. Some pictures were taken before the public came in when i had a bit more time to take them.






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Hats off to Mark Jones @Mark for making this show happen. These shows are alot of work to organize and layout....who goes where, can they fit in the space given, do they have enough chairs, etc.

Wife and I had a great time eating some of the best sushi ever. as Brian @Brian said, the plates just kept coming and coming. We ended up with a few plates that no one else could eat. I became the garbage disposal and ate all the unclaimed and unloved sushi. lol

I highly enjoyed showing my Navy Kyu-Gunto to Brian and making him drool. :Drool:

My three biggest hits were the previously mentioned Navy Kyu-Gunto, the Edo period elaborately mounted tachi, and the Chinese replica tachi. It was properly identified as replica. People giggled but admitted it was not a bad looking replica. It has now found a new home and will make someone else happy.


I look forward to what next year's show brings...and the next shows I will be attending this year. <-- another story.

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