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A list swords that made juyo and higher I like to know of year/shinsa #

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I think I have a guess what the list might be. I think I should have pictures of all of the items (at least almost all of them) but unfortunately it takes too much time for me to take the pictures as I will be going to Japan in few days.


This would be the list for Koto items I believe, I might have an error in calculations there somewhere.

Item  -  Ownership or shinsa session

Kanenaga - NBTHK

Kunitomo - TJ11

Yoshimitsu - Unfortunately too many for me to count fast

Kuniyuki - NBTHK

Kunitoshi - Private Hyogo (last ownership data I have of it)

Ryokai - Private Hyogo (last ownership data I have of it)

Nobuyoshi - NBTHK

Norinaga - Private Tokyo (last ownership data I have of it)

Masamune - 3 options

Sadamune - 6 options

Hiromitsu (I believe this would be wakizashi length) - 6 options

Kaneuji - NBTHK

Go - TJ16

Masatsune - 8 options (but in case the list is what I believe it to be the one owned by NBTHK would be most likely)

Tadashige - TJ12

Fukuoka Ichimonji - Multiple options (but in case the list is what I believe it to be the one owned by NBTHK would be most likely)

Mitsutada - 3 options

Nagamitsu - 14 options

Kanemitsu - Private Tokyo (last ownership data I have of it)

Unji - 7 options

Morimitsu - 5 options (but in case the list is what I believe it to be the one owned by NBTHK would be most likely)

Yasumitsu - 4 options

Sukesada - 6 options

Sukezane - 2 options

Moritsugu - Private Yamagata (last ownership data I have of it)

Kiyotsuna - NBTHK

Yasutsuna - Too many tachi by Yasutsuna without further info (of course by similar logic to above the 80,1 cm owned by NBTHK would be logical one)

Sanemori - 2 options

Kunitoki - 4 options

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i would guess the list is an exhibition or display listing the swords there.  I am not sure how you could ever identify which swords are on your list as Jussi points out there are multiple swords by the makers that are Juyo and some above. If you had the length or something else to identify the sword you might have a chance

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