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Everything posted by Keiji

  1. I'm also interested. Thank you for the your work Randy!
  2. #7 and #11 are still available.
  3. PM for the tsuba 5 signed yamakichiei
  4. Keiji

    Muramasa Website

    Thank you Derek!!
  5. Keiji

    Muramasa Website

    Hello Derek, I'm sorry, but I see only few swords on the your website http://www.muramasa.us/ Is it possible? Thank you!
  6. I understand Darcy, but this is not from Kamakura jidai. If i buy a very expensive blade from shinshinto period i'd expect a sword in perfect conditions.
  7. I agree with Darcy and Michael. I saw this sword the last year in the shop, yes it is a beautiful sword, but for the my "young eyes", it's not incredible (compared for this price..). If I remember correctly it have some little ware (maybe you can see in the photos).
  8. My italian friend have this on sale: I don't know many info about this and the price, but I think is expensive.
  9. It's a pleasure! Now, start the your fun with the sword in your hand, for the comparison with oshigata and photos from internet and book! Ganbatte!
  10. I'm not sure we can call "yakidashi", because the sword is osuriage
  11. Hi, nice sword! If you check, you see the masame hada on the shinogi ji. I think is by Seki Kanesada school (Mino).
  12. Keiji


    Hello Peter, thanks for the sharing this fantastic tachi! If I read weel, this sword is mumei with the attribution only at the school Ayanokōji. Jean, at these link we can see this tanto: https://www.aoijapan.com/appraisal-quiz-268 https://www.aoijapan.com/appraisal-quiz-269 From the Kantei Series by Markus Sesko I read: "And Satô Kanzan mentions a signed (almost sunnobi) hira-zukuri tantô from the possessions of the Gotoh Museum (五島美術館) which shows a pure suguha and which is somewhat inferior in quality than the extant Sadatoshi tachi." https://markussesko.com/2015/09/06/kantei-4-yamashiro-5-ayanokoji-%E7%B6%BE%E5%B0%8F%E8%B7%AF-school/
  13. I visited the exhibition, I agree what you wrote, in particular Darcy. A hint is always carry a small LED flashlight, it can be very useful.
  14. Keiji

    Enju Blade

    Among all swordsmiths Enju school, Kunisuke was, with its wealth of hataraki, with a characteristic interpretation of the jiba and the presence of nie utsuri, as near to the works of Rai School, in fact reminds the works of Rai Kuniyuki and classic works of Rai Kunimitsu.
  15. Hello, you're right! :-) I "know" about 60 swords by Awataguchi Yoshimitsu, and starting from the sugata in the tantō, they have uchizori, however this have sori (I don't think only 0.1 cm, as also the kasane with only 0.3 cm). I don't know the Japanese, but I read that the seller says he may have suffered a fire, (I think) then the sori could be caused by saiha. What do you think? The sabi and the mei seems very good, remember that its signatures are divided into three time groups. from left to right: koguchi-mei, intermediate, ōguchi-mei. This reminds the ōguchi-mei? More info in the Kantei Series by Markus Sesko: https://markussesko.com/2015/12/13/kantei-4-yamashiro-12-awataguchi-%E7%B2%9F%E7%94%B0%E5%8F%A3-school-7/ Thank you :-) P.S. The seller was Kanetoyo1, maybe the same? http://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/21675-antique-Japanese-sword-shop-kanetoyo/page-2
  16. Yesterday, after the expiry... I found this tanto with mei "Yoshimitsu" (Awataguchi): http://page23.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/o173053863 What do you think? 粟田口吉光の短刀です。銘は間違いなく粟田口の銘で、姿もふくら枯れて上品です。これは決して土佐吉光とかのものではありません。 正直申しますと、個人的見解では火を被っていると思います。研ぎもひどい状態ですが、研ぎなおせば粟田口の素晴らしい地鉄が表れてくると思います。 現状でもその片鱗は見ることができます。粟田口物ってのはこういうものだという参考品で持たれたらいかがでしょうか。 刃長 : 24.6cm 反り : 0.1cm 元幅 : 2.15cm  元重ね : 3mm 地鉄 : 摘んだ板目に杢目、地景交じり写りたつ     刃文 : 直刃、金筋、小足、砂流し入り冴える。 帽子 : 突き上げて吐き掛け風 銘  : 吉光 時代:鎌倉末期 はばき : 真鍮ハバキ 拵え : 白鞘 疵欠点 : 特に気になる傷はありません 備考:この刀が登録されている都道府県教育委員会に2週間以内に名義変更を行ってください。
  17. Kanetoyo1 on Yahoo.co.jp is the same Japanese seller? http://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/show/rating?userID=kanetoyo1
  18. Yes right! This is an example of the common Ayasugi hada by Sadakazu and Sakatsu gassaku: http://www.tokka.biz/sword/sadakazu2.html In my previous answer an example of "ayasugi-mokume" by Sadakazu, I think without acid.
  19. Hi all, what do you think? Sword by Gassan: 【刀】大阪住人月山貞一作(花押) 時代 長さ(cm) 反り 重ね 証書 質 付属 明治 69.1 1.4 0.81 当店の保証 優品 白鞘拵え 帝室技芸員月山貞一家伝の綾杉肌を交えた相伝備前の傑作です。月山貞一は明治39年4月に帝室技芸員に任ぜられ、本刀は帝室技芸員に任ぜられた早々の作品で記念碑的名作です。地金は小板目肌良く詰み家伝の綾杉肌を交え互の目丁子刃に砂流しを交え金筋が現れ素晴らしく良く働いています。大礼服用太刀拵の太刀として製作された名品です。月山貞一の名作をお楽しみください。 From: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/budojapan/e/0c6758a497fae5cafcc3bd33139f8605 ------------------------------------------------ 【刀】 堺源昭忠作 時代 長さ(cm) 反り 重ね 証書 質 付属 現代 68.8 1.9 0.75 当店の保証 標準品 拵え 越中則重の松皮肌を写し鍛えた快心作。素晴らしく良くできています。 From: http://kendounet.seesaa.net/article/357971711.html
  20. I think is yakumo-hada (八雲肌) but it polishing with acid...: A very peculiar jihada that is created by a combination of steels with different carbon content, an approach that results in thick and standing-out chikei-like structures. This kind of hada is mostly seen on blades by Mito Rekkô (烈公) and is not very common. Please you can see the photos in this topic: http://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/19897-nariaki-blade/ and in the Kantei series by Markus Sesko: https://markussesko.com/2015/05/13/kantei-2-jigane-jihada-2/
  21. Yes right! An exemple of the shodai with similar nakago shape:
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