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Just thought I'd share this rare Mito Rekko katana for reference even though its not actually for sale - https://www.seiyudo.com/ka-100823.htm

Interesting characteristic hada


Makes you wonder if he wasn't so busy (presumably) enjoying being a nobleman he would have been a much more influential smith of the Shinto period.



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The first link contains an explanation in Japanese from an issue of the NBTHK magazine: 刀 葵紋崩し 烈公 (KA-100823)|刀・日本刀の販売なら日本刀専門店の【銀座 誠友堂】 (seiyudo.com)


It would take me while to read the whole thing...


And Matt's second link says this, mentioning it being based on a Kiku chrysanthemum: 特筆すべきは、第一目釘穴の上中央に十八葉の変わり菊花紋を彫ることです。 水戸では古来より『葵崩し紋』と呼び、一般的には時計のように見えるため、『時計紋』とも呼ばれます。しかしながら、幕末以降、この紋の入った贋作が多数出回っており、正真確実な作は滅多にお目に掛かりません。



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"It is worth mentioning that the eighteen-leaf changing chrysanthemum flower crest is carved in the center of the top of the first nail hole. In Mito, it has been called "Aoi Breaking-Crest" since ancient times, and it is also called "Clock Crest" because it generally looks like a clock. However, since the end of the Edo period, there have been many forgeries with this crest on the market, and it is rare to see a work that is authentic."


Thanks guys!  Never seen this one before.  I'll put it into the Stamps doc with the other Kiku/Aoi.

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