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Book Sale - I Tried to Keep All Prices Way Under Market Value


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I am having a small book sale. Please pm me for more photos and information. 

Price + Shipping + Paypal


1. Tsuba Kanshoki by Kazutaro Torigoye - 240$


2. Sengoku Busho no Yosoi - Sano Art Museum - 60$


3. The Bizen Ichimonji Tradition by Sano Art Museum - 100$


4. Meibutsu - Treasured Japanese Swords - Softcover - 80$


5. Bushi no Issho - Sukashi Tsuba by Sano Art Museum - 60$


6. Swords and Sword Fittings - Treasures From The Tokugawa Museum No. 6 - 60$


7. Higo Kinko Taikan by Sato, Homma and Kashima - 320$


8. Fine Japanese Sword Fittings: Menuki II - Musashiya Co., LTD - 70$


9. Sword Fittings Exhibited in Kiyomizu Sannenzaka Museum in Kyoto - 50$


10. Kokuho Vol. 8 - National Treasures of Japan - 110$


11. Uchigatana Koshirae by Tokyo National Museum - 120$


12. Zabo Tansen by Kenichi Kokubo & Kenzo Ootsubo - 100$


13. "Yasuchika" by Tomijiro Miyazaki - 120$


14. The Japanese Sword - Tokyo National Museum 1997 - 90$


15. The Beauty of Tanto - Iron Brightness - Tanto No Bi - 100$


16. ROKUSHO Vol.34 / The Japanese Sword Guards and Fittings - 60$


17. Sword Guards and Fittings from Japan: The Collection of The Museum of Decorative Arts, Copenhagen - 550$


18. Kanzan Shinto Oshigata Dictionary with Romanization and English Forward - 130$


19. Beauty of the Sword Equipment - Kazuyuki Takayama - 60$


Best regards, 




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That is a very good list.


   After selling off our old house and many of the possessions in it, I also sold down many of my Nihonto books.

Your list above is a list of many I chose to keep and enjoy. Some like the one you pictured are full of best examples, for a sub $100 pricetag. I pop that one open at least once a month.

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Number 5, 6 and 11 are sold. 


Ken, almost all of the book here are in Japanese with English Index or descriptions. Only number 12 and 19 have no English at all. 


Curran, those are some great books. I have multiple copies of some. With others I realised that I have not used them in a long time, so it is better to sell them off and for the amount get some high quality tosogu. 

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