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Question about omi daijō fujiwara yukimitsu mei


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I'm thinking about buying a blade by Yukimitsu (近江大掾藤原行光). The problem is that I don't have any good reference material for his signature. Any rubbing would be nice.


The internet provided me with a link to this site as well as another one that I'm posting below. That's two different signatures so I'm not feeling wiser.



I'm pretty sure this one below is a gimei. I need something solid to go on mei wise. Thanks in advance!


Also, what's up with the tang?



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Hi Anders.


Welcome. Can't help you with the references you request but perhaps with your last comment. There is nothing up with the tang, (nakago) That shape is a classic for a Kaga sword. Hope that helps, unless your comment was directed at something else?



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Welcome to the Board!


Your question is a common one and as usual there will be no answer which will really satisfy you. You will need tons of Japanese oshigata books and tons of experience and still there is a lot of room for error.


I assume that the blade you are referring to has no reliable paper.


If you see a good blade by a high ranking smith there are usually 2 options:


1. Blades comes with reliable paper - considerable investment, but you should be on the safe side

2. No reliable Paper and usually offered for a lot less than the regular value - lottery.


The decision is up to you.


Best, Martin

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Guys, much love and appreciation goes out to the whole bunch!


I haven't bought any oshigata books that covered this Yukimitsu.

I tend to stay with papered blades.

The blade I'm thinking about buying is well within the medium range. Aside from needing a fresh polish the price is very acceptable.


Again a big thanks to everyone. I got just what I asked for as well as friendly advice.


I will use these as I check on the blade next time.

Just for my own learning, could anyone give me any info on the tang posted?

It doesn't look to me as if it matches the oshigata provided, but I would like to have a more expert opinion on if it is gemei or not, and why.



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Hi Anders.


Welcome. Can't help you with the references you request but perhaps with your last comment. There is nothing up with the tang, (nakago) That shape is a classic for a Kaga sword. Hope that helps, unless your comment was directed at something else?




No, as amateurish as it was, I got all that I needed, cheers mate :)

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From Fujishiro's. This smith is not the most consistent in matter of signature however, i would go to a shoshin one.






Thank you very much!

I had a look at the blade today and it's very, very similar to the tang I posted. Yet all other reference provided, and gathered, are just very inconsistent.

The way he writes mitsu is not ordinary, could very well be a bit of a trade mark, but then again he didn't always write it "his" way it seems.


Anyway, thanks a lot again to everyone. I really appreciate the sharing of the oshigata.

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