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Capitals In Titles/subjects

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Every now and then I get a question about why, when starting a post, within the title, II turns into Ii or RIP becomes Rip..or USA becomes Usa.
Thought I would just explain for those wondering or thinking it's a bug.
The system has a setting to prevent someone typing in all capitals. Nothing worse than seeing a category, and half the titles are all in caps. And people DO do that. Regularly.
So the setting prevents all caps, and when it sees 2 capitals next to each other..it changes the second one into a small letter.
So RIP becomes Rip...etc etc etc.
Little inconvenient, but preferable to every third topic shouting at us.
Way around is to either use periods... R.I.P....
Or spaces... I I I....
Or get creative :)
U-S-A or U S A
Just by way of a quick explanation. Doesn't apply within posts, only titles.

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I actually like that the titles are first letter capitalised. All lower case just nags at me... OCD and all that... Though there was one thread that seems to have failed the rule for whatever reason...


Just checked the thread titled "custom Nco", would be the " I imagine that counts as the first letter.

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