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Is this gunto genuine or a repro?

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It's an odd one.  Everything of the blade and its fittings looks new, but the saya is old and legit - never seen a fake Seki saya sticker!

Along with John's observation of the ito, the same' is an odd purplish hue, often seen on Chinese work.  Can't make out the fine detail of the kabutogane, but it looks glazed.


Last time I took this stand on a gunto, I turned out to be wrong.  But for now, it looks like something new in something old.

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Just a slight observation, if I may, but the kabutogane looks to me to be a replacement. Certainly the kuchigane and fuchi seem in a quite different condition to the kabutogane, which still has its gilded edges. Possibly this was replaced/added when the tsuka ito and perhaps samé were restored. ?

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