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Fujishiro certificate of appraisal question

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Good day all,


While I am familiar with (and becoming more so every day) the two primary governing bodies for judging Nihonto, I see from time to time blades with appraisal certificates from Fujishiro san.

As he was a was a living national treasure polisher who was known to have a very good eye for judging blades, would most out here be inclined to accept these appraisals as a solid (But never a replacement for Shinsa) and accurate indication of the legitimacy and overall quality of the blade?





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Hi Sam,

Fujishiro appraisals have been, and I believe still are well regarded. As you say possibly not as highly as those of the NBTHK or NTHK but still very accurate. His only disadvantage is that his certificates represent 1 person's opinion where the other two bodies appraise with a commitee.

personally I would be happy to have a blade with one of his papers.



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