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Admiral Hisashi Nito's sword

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Thought you guys would like to see this lovely blade. 


"Lieutenant General Robert Eichelberger, commanding the Eighth Army, has presented this historic sword belonging formerly to Vice Admiral Hisashi Nito, Imperial Japanese Navy, to the Coast Guard. An accompanying letter states: "This weapon is presented to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in honor of the officers and men of the Coast Guard who contributed to the successful landings of the United States Army in numerous assault invasions which led to the final defeat and occupation of Japan."






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Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 12.30.46 AM.jpg

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For a start they have the name wrong, guess they are referring to Admiral Mito Hisashi: http://pwencycl.kgbu...M/i/Mito_Hisashi.htm


This sword is currently on display at the coast guard museum. That display states it was surrendered to General MacArthur by a Japanese admiral on board the USS Missouri. The keen-eyed among you will note no swords were handed over directly at the signing of the instrument of surrender. Admiral Mito was not named among the delegation. When researching something else, I did find quite a few different accounts of what happened to the swords of the surrender delegation.





1: Some swords & daggers were left at the Japanese Foreign Ministry building before members of the delegation departed to board USS Nicholas. This is recounted from one of the delegation:






2: Swords & daggers were left in the flag cabin when the delegation boarded the USS Missouri:


"On September 2, 1945, the Japanese surrender delegation stood on the quarterdeck of the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. The delegation was aboard to sign the Instrument of Surrender and led by Foreign Minister Shigemitsu and Army Chief of Staff Umezu. Upon arrival, members of the delegation had to check their dress daggers and samurai swords in the Flag Cabin of the Missouri."



"As part of the Navy's traditional piping aboard ceremony, Eder watched the 11-member Japanese contingent, led by Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu, step aboard the Missouri. They left their samurai swords and dress daggers on a table in a cabin before signing the documents and then leaving."




Caption: President Harry S. Truman reviews a Japanese sword offered during the surrender on the USS Missouri. (Naval History and Heritage Command)


3: Another account detailing swords left on the dock before delegates boarded the USS Nicholas



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Well, the usage of the flag level sword was cancelled in 1914, meaning new Admiral rank officers used regular 1883 pattern for Ensign - Captain after 1914. So after that date there's very little chance to determine if an Admiral owned a particular Kyu or Kai Gunto without hard provenance to back it up.



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