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First Blade Post From New Member- Bridal Tanto?


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Greetings, I joined here a couple weeks ago as I am the proud new owner of a mixed collection of blades and fittings. I have done a bunch of reading and video watching to start with and have a couple of books on order. Already I have fallen in love with the art. I will be posting my pieces to learn about exactly what I have right now and to share with other collectors.  I do plan on trading, purchasing, and possibly selling at some point down the road. My biggest concern is that the last person who had the pieces treated them poorly, so I have done the basic cleaning and have at least stored them better than they were in the hands of the last owner. My first pic is of a smaller tanto in a metal saya with aikuchi style fittings unless I have some terminology incorrect. Someone mentioned due to size it may be a bridal piece. My first question is on photography as I know I can do better blade pics, so any advice here would be great. My blade definitely looks much better in person. Other than that, I know nothing about this blade, so I look forward to hopefully gaining some insight from knowledgeable members. Last question is this, I am trying to post my blade pics tip up, but no matter what I do they go back to sideways. They are saved tip up on my computer, but no matter how I load here, I cannot get them to come out correctly. I will thank you for any and all help given.







tanto 4.jpg





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Dear Jason.


As always there will be several opinions but I have seen one or two of this type of koshirae and they are what I would call late Meiji export work, in other words made specifically for Western consumers.  


Your example has a nice sageo and a kurikata which makes it a little unusual so perhaps a closer image of the saya would show more.


All the best.

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