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3 Books, now sold

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Hi guys,

When I buy libraries I often end up with books I don't need to put on my website but that are too good to take to Goodwill. I currently have these 3.

A History of Metallography: The Development of Ideas on the Structure of Metals Before 1890. by Cyril Stanley Smith, 1960, Clothbound, 7 x 10", 280 pages in English. Lots of illustrations and a chapter on Japanese swords and fittings.

Raku Shimu Nihonto (or possibly Gaku Shimu). 1972. Clothbound with jacket and plastic jacket, 6 x 8 1/2", 244 pages in Japanese. Photos, oshigata, text.

Nipponto by Yamada Hide. 1964. Clothbound with slipcase, 7 1/4 x 10 1/4" 300 pages in Japanese plus 50 or so unnumbered pages of black & white photos.

Conditions are good or better. Hoping not to have to bother with photos or more thorough descriptions. All 3 for $40 plus post. If you want these please send an email: gdoffin at gmail.com

The books are sold. Thanks, Grey


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