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kokyo jin

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Everything posted by kokyo jin

  1. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B5ZcV89d8bygc2NKTi1PU2Y2cjA?usp=sharing
  2. Trying to figure out how to upload them here...
  3. Sorry for the delay. Took some new photos..
  4. Kindly assist with identification of maker, school, and estimated period of this Mumei iron Tsuba..
  5. Thank you all for the excellent inputs with extended information !! Deeply appreciated.
  6. Would appriciate your assistance in translation of this inscribed Kozuka, plus details on maker, style and topic.
  7. Can you assist with identification please? Also it would be appreciated if someone can write the Kanji for further research.
  8. It is not a Bunchin. Seems like a part used by metalsmiths for decoration of tansu or other artifacts. Such items sometimes come up on the collectors market. Attached examples of such..
  9. Found this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yama_%28Buddhism_and_Chinese_mythology%29 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diyu Thanks
  10. Is this is what you are looking for...?! or is it a water wheel?
  11. What with pulling the tongue? Looks like a torture from hell... 嘘をつくと閻魔さまに舌を抜かれる
  12. It looks like Lorenzo is correct about the motif. http://img01.ti-da.net/usr/bambi/P1000052.JPG Japan issued a set of stamps on this tale: http://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/timbre/cabinet/201102_007/751221.jpg?_ex=200x200&s=0&r=1
  13. Just some additional menuki images... related to previous posts... Skull: I think this one qualifies as a snake.. Yet, another snake... An elephant....
  14. I agree with you on that assumption. I see this motif a lot on woodblock prints (that I own). Cheers
  15. I do not actually own this piece. Please visit http://www.yamabushiantiques.com/HFJ_Bones.htm
  16. kokyo jin

    Study piece

    I agree on the monetary value. I was not asking for a purpose of selling. Not going to, at the moment anyway. I am interested in the added value. I'm quite sure about the authenticity. Just the crude lumps seems odd to me..
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