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Kongobyoe Moritaka - gendaito in polish with shirasaya

Ray Singer

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Excellent gendaito by the Showa period smith Kongobyoe Moritaka. Signed with his kao and inscribed with a zodiac date. With high quality shirasaya.


Nagasa: 65.4cm
Moto-haba: 3.1cm
Saki-haba: 2.3cm
Kasane: 6.5mm


3500 + shipping & PayPal


YASUHIRO (靖博), Shōwa (昭和, 1926-1989), Kumamoto – “Minamoto Moritaka” (源盛高), “Kongōbyōe Moritaka Yasuhiro” (金剛兵衛盛高靖博), “Kōtei-bukotsu Mina-moto Moritaka” (皇敵無骨源盛高, about “against the unrefined enemies of the Emperor/Empire”), “Tetsuō” (鉄王), “Jingūji Ryōsai” (神宮寺良西), real name Moritaka Yoshio (盛高良夫), born October 30th 1908, he was a late smith smith from the lineage of Chikuzen Kongōbyōe Moritaka (盛高), he signed first with Akihiro (煕博) and changed his name in 1927 to Yasuhiro, 1933 he learned the art of jūmonji-yari (十文字鎗) forging from Enju Tarō Nobushige (延寿太郎宣繁), gō Tetsuō (鉄王), kihin no retsu (Akihide), First Seat at the 6th Shinsaku Nihontō Denrankai (新作日本刀展覧会, 1941)










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