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After the Fire, A Sale

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Hi folks,

We've been back in our house for 2 weeks; still living among boxes and piles of stuff but it is good to be home. I moved my sword books out of storage the other day; I'm ready for business.

For a week or so I'll give a 10% discount on any item on my website: books, fittings, or swords. Save $10 on a $100 book or quite a bit on the Tsuda Sukehiro katana. If you are interested in anything please contact me by email through my site or gdoffin at gmail.com, not personal message here at NMB. I need your emails to keep track of business.

And a big thanks to all of you who wrote kind messages after the fire. Grey


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The 10% off everything on site sale will end tomorrow, Saturday March 18. After that you'll still be able to talk to me about prices but I won't guarantee a discount. Some items yes; others no.

And, should you be interested, I just listed 2 great references: Nihonto Bizen Den Taikan and Token Oshigata Taikan.

Thanks all, Grey

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