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  1. Thanks for the quick lesson. I hope your efforts are worthwhile with it. It’s a beautiful piece.
  2. I’m certainly no expert or even very knowledgeable (I’ve actually never heard of the smith you’re attributing this to) but the one to the right (which I believe is the Christie’s example) looks like it was added with a Dremel tool. If I saw the example to the right for sale I would presume it was replicated, the one to the left has patina and doesn’t appear to have been added recently. I obviously need to learn more about this hobby!!
  3. Thanks for the insight!! I will give it a try and add pics if I can get the signature to be more legible.
  4. I understand that and I appreciate you clarifying it. My point was, studying the “junk” and learning everything that’s right and wrong with it will help me significantly on my next purchase. Something can be “junk” but still have desirable fittings or be rare in some other way. Not to mention just learning where potential signatures, dates and other identifying marks may be. I appreciate your watching out for my pocketbook. My thinking says, why not polish one or both of these and make them as presentable as possible. Give them a better life. Elevate them from what they’ve become? Maybe it’s a little romantic but I look at it as I’ve already spent money on these blades, may as well give them the life with me they deserve. Again, Thank you so much for the insight. I know I won’t be buying anymore in bad shape for $1000 or close to it but depending on the specimen, I’d happily spend up to a few hundred even if it is in bad shape.
  5. Outstanding!! This helps me significantly and I appreciate it immensely. Thank you!! Knowing it doesn’t matter but just to put any apprehensions or could haves to bed. Presuming the name (used lightly) was imprinted with some sort of paint. If I was to use a fine grit sandpaper and take off a very thin layer of the grime, paint and junk would that substantially impact the character of this particular nihonto? I completely understand once finding out what it says will most likely have no bearing on the nihonto or the fittings. I just want to know what it says.
  6. Fantastic!! I will try to make it to enhance my knowledge and experience with nihonto. I really appreciate your help and lack of judgement towards my prior posts. 👍🏼🤙🏼
  7. Thanks, I truly appreciate that. I understand and honestly thought once brian responded it would be over. Especially after my response back. I am still here and haven’t blocked or cancelled anyone because of their opinions. I’d venture to say there are at least a couple here who could take your advice even more so than myself.
  8. Cool man. Thanks. A down vote? Lmao!! That’s hilarious. Calling someone a kid when that’s your grievance is comically ironic.
  9. It’s great to see the lack of intestinal fortitude of men that think they’re experts on swords but don’t have the wherewithal to have a discussion with someone asking questions. Thanks for letting me know you alls character.
  10. Thanks and at this point, I’m sure I’ve burned whatever help could come from here. I hoped it wouldn’t happen but it appears many have taken offense to comments I’ve made. For the record my “lofty standards” comment was in response to Stephen saying I should study “the real thing”. IMO as bad shape as mine are they are in fact the real thing. I also never implied you personally thought I was stupid or anyone for that matter. I simply stated I wasn’t worried about looking stupid to any of you by asking my questions. Hell, I’m still not. If you don’t understand my point above then have a great life as well.
  11. If your mind changed after you read what I posted on the translation section that’s again concerning. (This is where my mind initially went and I hope I am wrong). If it changed because of the potential presence of mei, thank you. I’m still working on getting the rust off that area. Thank you for your help.
  12. Stephen, first off. For like the 20th time. Thank you for your advice and help throughout my thread/threads. That said, I’ve received help because I’ve asked questions without worrying about looking stupid to the lot of you. I came here with two different nihonto and both are legitimate according to everyone on this forum. My $10 pick up may not be up to your lofty standards but deep down it is a nihonto. This salty response after all your help is concerning. Emotional much? You literally followed the thread I made about my “beater” and were the one that commented the most. Learning everything I possibly can about “my $10 pick up” is exactly the right place for me to learn. As is my fatally flawed Nagamitsu. They’re the best place to learn because they’re in my hand, I can physically see them, inspect them, clean them and ask questions about them. Reading books may work for many of you here but not me.
  13. Thank you for this. Do you know where I would find out about the show?
  14. Thank you Stephen. Now I’m worried if this blade ends up being attributed to an important smith. Lol
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