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Translating Mei

Translating the signatures on swords

Kanji used in names

1 Ichi, Kazu      
2 Futa, Ni   Ryu
  Nyu   No, Yuki
3 Taka, Yoshi   Chika
  Oo, Dai   Mi, San
  Yama   Sen, Chi
  Hisa   Aki, Hiro
4 Tomo   Ie (Iye)
  Suke   I
  Masa   Ten
  Moto   Uchi
  Uji   Shi
  Bun, Fumi      
5 Kane   Hira, Taira
  広 弘 Hiro   Fuyu
  Naga   Suke, Taka
  Masa   Kiyo
  Ta, Da      
6 安 全 Yasu   Haru
  Yoshi, Kichi   Nari
  Tsugu   Kazu, Tomi
  Yuki   Chika, Toshi
  Mori   Nobu
  Mitsu   Oite
7 Chika   Hatsu
  Suke   Sada
  Hide   Kuni
  利 寿 Toshi   Tada
  Mura   Jou
8 国 圀 Kuni   Waka
  Hisa   Aki
  Kane, Kin   Kazu, Masa
  Mune   Mori, Rin
  Sada   Nori
  Tada   Take
  Fusa   Yuki, Yoshi
  長 命 Naga   直 尚 Nao
  Haru   Sai
9 Sada   Yasu
  Haru   Tame
  Suke   Masa
  Tsune   Aki
  Shige, Nobu   Yoshi
  Nobu   Mitsu
  Nori   Toshi, Shun
10 Tomo   Moto
  Taka   Take
  Kane   Yasu
  Iye   Toki
  Ume   真 眞 Sane
  Zane   Ryu, Haru
  Mori, Yasu      
11 Kiyo   Tsune
  Yasu   Mori, Yasu
12 Katsu   Tomi
  Michi   Oku
  Mori   善 賢 Yoshi
- Kage      
13 Hiro   Yasu
  Yoshi   Tsugu
14 Tsuna   Kan, Mori
15 Hiro      
18 麿 Maro      
21 Tetsu      

Dates/Eras appearing on Japanese swords.

The Muromachi Period - 室町
応永 Ôei 1394   文明 Bunmei 1469
正長 Shôchô 1428   長享 Chôkyô 1487
永享 Eikyô 1429   延徳 Entoku 1489
嘉吉 Kakichi 1441   明応 Meiô 1492
文安 Bunan 1444   文亀 Bungi 1501
宝徳 Hôtoku 1449   永正 Eishô 1504
享徳 Kyôtoku 1452   大永 Taiei 1521
康正 Kôsho 1455   享禄 Kyôroku 1528
長禄 Chôroku 1457   天文 Tenmon 1532
寛正 Kanshô 1460   弘治 Kôji 1555
文正 Bunshô 1466   永禄 Eiroku 1558
応仁 Ônin 1467        
The Momoyama Period - 桃山
元亀 Genki 1570   文禄 Bunroku 1592
天正 Tensho 1573   慶長 Keichô 1596
The Edô Period - 江戸
元和 Genwa 1615   元禄 Genroku 1688
寛永 Kanei 1624   宝永 Hôei 1704
正保 Shôhô 1644   正徳 Shôroku 1711
慶安 Keian 1648   享保 Kyôhô 1716
承応 Shôô 1652   元文 Genbun 1736
明暦 Meireki 1655   寛保 Kanpô 1741
万治 Manji 1658   延享 Enkyô 1744
寛文 Kanbun 1661   寛延 Kanen 1748
延宝 Empô 1673   宝暦 Hôreki 1751
天和 Tenwa 1681   明和 Meiwa 1764
貞享 Teikyô 1684   安永 Anei 1772
The Shinshintô Era - 新々刀
天明 Tenmei 1781   享和 Kyôwa 1801
寛政 Kansei 1789        
The Bakumatsu Period - 幕末
文化 Bunka 1804   万延 Manen 1860
文政 Bunsei 1818   文久 Bunkyû 1861
天保 Tenpô 1830   元治 Genji 1864
弘化 Kôka 1844   慶応 Keiô 1865
嘉永 Kaei 1848   明治 Meiji 1868
安政 Ansei 1854        
The Modern Era - 現代
大正 Taishô 1912   平成 Heisei 1989
昭和 Shôwa 1926        

Provinces used in mei

Kinai - The Home Provinces
山城 Yamashiro   城州 Jôshû
大和 Yamato   和州 Washû
河内 Kawachi   河州 Kashû
和泉 Izumi   泉州 Senshû
攝津 Settsu   攝州 Sesshû
Tokaido - The Eastern Sea Circuit
伊賀 Iga   伊州 Ishû
伊勢 Ise   勢州 Seishû
志摩 Shima   志州 Shishû
尾張 Owari   尾州 Bishû
三河 Mikawa   三州 Sanshû
遠江 Tôtômi   遠州 Enshû
駿河 Suruga   駿州 Sunshû
甲斐 Kai   甲州 Koushû
伊豆 Izu   豆州 Zushû
相模 Sagami   相州 Soushû
武蔵 Musashi   武州 Bushû
安房 Awa   房州 Bûshû
上總 Kazusa   總州 Soshû
下總 Shimosa   總州 Soshû
常陸 Hitachi   常州 Joshû
Tosando - The Eastern Mountain Circuit
近江 Ômi   江州 Goshû
美濃 Mino   濃州 Noshû
飛禪 Hida   飛州 Hishû
信濃 Shinano   信州 Shinshû
上野 Kôdzuke   上州 Joshû
下野 Shimotsuke   野州 Yashû
陸奥 Mutsu   陸州 Oushû
出羽 Dewa   羽州 Ushû
Hokurikudo -The Northern Land Circuit
若狭 Wakasa   若州 Jakushû
越前 Echizen   越州 Esshô
加賀 Kaga   加州 Kashû
能登 Noto   能州 Noshû
越中 Etchû   越州 Esshû
越後 Echigo   越州 Esshû
佐渡 Sado   佐州 Sashû
Sanindo - The Mountain Shade Circuit
丹波 Tamba   丹州 Tanshû
丹後 Tango   丹州 Tanshû
但馬 Tajima   丹州 Tanshû
因幡 Inaba   因州 Inshû
伯耆 Hôki   伯州 Kakushû
出雲 Izumo   雲州 Unshû
石見 Iwami   石州 Sekishû
隠岐 Oki   隠州 Insh
Sanyoudou - The Sunny Mountain Road
播磨 Harima   播州 Banshû
美作 Mimasaka   作州 Sakushû
備前 Bizen   備州 Bishû
備中 Bitchû   備州 Bishû
備後 Bingo   備州 Bishû
安藝 Aki   藝州 Geishû
周防 Suô   防州 Boshû
長門 Nagato   長州 Choshû
Nankaidou - The Southern Sea Road
紀伊 Kii   紀州 Kishû
淡路 Awaji   淡州 Tanshû
阿波 Awa   阿州 Ashû
讃岐 Sanuki   讃州 Sanshû
伊豫 Iyo   豫州 Yoshû
土佐 Tosa   土州 Toshû
Saikaidou - The Western Sea Road
筑前 Chikuzen   筑州 Chikushû
筑後 Chikugo   筑州 Chikushû
豊前 Buzen   豊州 Hoshû
豊後 Bungo   豊州 Hoshû
肥前 Hizen   肥州 Hishû
肥後 Higo   肥州 Hishû
曰向 Hyûga   曰州 Nichishû
大隅 Ousumi   隅州 Gûshû
薩摩 Satsuma   薩州 Sasshû
壹岐 Iki   壹州 Ishû
對馬 Tsushima   對州 Taishû
Full credit and thanks for compiling goes to Richard Turner

Useful and Common Kanji

Common kanji in mei        
Ichi 1   十一 Ju-ichi 11
Ni 2   十二 Ju-Ni 12
San 3   十三 Ju-San 13
Shi 4   十四 Ju-Shi 14
Go 5   十五 Ju-Go 15
Rokû 6   二十 Ni-Jû 20
Shichi 7   三十 San-jû 30
Hachi 8   五十 Go-Jû 50
9   八十 Hachu-Jû 80
10   Hyakû 100
Hi Day        
Nen Year        
Gatsu Month        
Kuni Province        
Resident of        
Tsukuru Made        
Kitau Forged        
Saku Made        
住人 Jûnin Resident of        
Shû Province        
Kore This        
Kichi Lucky        
所持 Shoji Owner        
藤原 Fujiwara Honorary Title        
Taira Honorary Title        
菅原 Sugawara Honorary Title        
Minamoto Honorary Title        
Tachibana Honorary Title        
Kami Lord        
Third Lord        
大掾 Daijô Assistant Lord        
Suke Third Lord        
Useful kanji: http://www.jssus.org/nkp/useful_kanji.html

Kanji Used on Tosogu Origami

Way of signing [on menuki]
短冊銘 - tanzaku-mei (signed on an inserted plaque)
割根先銘 - warinesaki-mei (signed on the support post)


初期 - shoki - early
中期 - chuki - mid
末期 - makki - late

Shape [of tsuba]
丸形 - maru-gata (round)
竪丸形 - tate maru-gata (oblong round)
撫丸形 - nade maru-gata (smooth round)
木瓜形 - mokko-gata (four lobes)
角形 - kaku-gata (square)
撫角形 - nade kaku-gata (smooth square)
菊花形 - kikka-gata (chrysanthemum)
車形 - kuruma-gata (wheel)
葵形 - aoi-gata (hollyhock)
泥障形 - aori-gata (saddle)
変り形 - kawari-gata (unusual)
椀形 - wan-gata (domed/bowl)

鉄地 - tetsu-ji (iron)
赤銅地 - shakudō-ji (copper mixed with gold)
素銅地 - suaka-ji (copper)
四分一地 - shibuichi-ji (copper mixed with silver)
山銅地 - yamagane-ji (unrefined copper)
真鍮地 - shinchu-ji (brass)
金無垢地 - kinmuku-ji (solid gold)


磨地 - migaki-ji (polished)
魚子地 - nanako-ji (fish eggs)
石目地 - ishime-ji (stone)
槌目地 - tsuchime-ji (hammered)
斜鑢地 - shayasuri-ji (diagonal filing)
阿弥陀鑢目 - amida-yasurime - radiating lines starting from the center
時雨鑢目 - shigure-yasurime - slanting lines that resemble rain


地透 - ji-sukashi (openwork)
影透 - kage-sukashi (silhouette openwork)
糸透 - ito-sukashi (line/thread openwork)
小透 - ko-sukashi (small sukashi)


肉彫 - niku-bori (dimensional carving)
高彫 - taka-bori (high relief carving)
容彫 - katachi-bori (shaped) [common for menuki]
片切り彫 - katakiri-bori (half-cut carving)
毛彫 - ke-bori (hair line carving)
鋤出彫 - sukidashi-bori (dug away carving)
深彫 - fuka-bori (deep carving)
甲鋤彫り - kōsuki-bori (shell-shaped carving)
倶利彫 - guru-bori (level carving)


象嵌 - zōgan (inlay)
金象嵌 - kin-zōgan (gold inlay)
平安城象嵌 - Heianjō-zōgan (brass inlay)
素銅象嵌 - motodō-zōgan (copper inlay)
布目象嵌 - nunome-zōgan (crosshatch overlay)
色絵 - iro-e (colour overlay)
金銀色絵 - kingin iro-e (gold and silver colour overlay)
銀象嵌 - gin-zōgan - silver inlay
平象嵌 - hira-zōgan - flat inlay (flush)
据文象嵌 - suemon-zogan (to inlay a separately made design or motif)

Rim [on tsuba]

丸耳 - maru-mimi (round)
角耳 - kaku-mimi (square)
土手耳 - dote-mimi (piped)
打返耳 - uchigaeshi-mimi (bevelled)
鋤残耳 - sukinokoshi-mimi (carved down)
覆輪耳 - fukurin-mimi (metal band)
鋤出耳 - sukidashi-mimi (dug away)

- Compiled and submitted by Kyle (kyushukairu) and Dirk O. -

Kanji Used on Sword Origami

Types of sword


太刀 – Tachi
刀 – Katana
脇差 – Wakizashi (alternative 脇指)
短刀 – Tanto
槍 – Yari (alternative )
薙刀 – Naginata
長巻 – Nagamaki


Sword shapes

込み – Tsukurikomi – The shape of the sword as a whole
姿 – Sugata – figure, form, shape
鎬造 – Shinogi zukuri
平造 – Hira zukuri

菖蒲造 – Shobu zukuri
鵜 の 首 造 – Unokubi zukuri
冠落とし 造 – Kanmuri otoshi zukuri
両刃造 – Ryoba zukuri
片切刃造 – Katakiri zukuri



刃長 or 長さ– Hachō or nagasa – length of cutting edge
幅 – Haba – width
身幅 – Mihaba - width (alternatively 身巾)
元幅 – Motohaba – width at the part nearest the tang
先幅 – Sakihaba – width at the yokote

ね– Motokasane – breadth at the machi
ね – Sakikasane – breadth at the yokote
反り – Sori - depth of curvature (腰 – koshi – deepest nearest the tang, 鳥居 – torii – deepest in the middle or 先 – saki – deepest nearest the tip)
厚 (ku) – Atsu(ku) – thick/ thickness
差 – Sa – difference
深 – fuke – deep (re sori)
踏張り – Funbari – noticeable widening of the blade at the machi
部分 – Bubun – section or part


Units of measurement

尺 – Shaku (30.3cm)
寸 – Sun (3.03cm)
– Bu – (3.03mm)
厘 – Rin (0.3mm)


Parts of the sword

– kissaki – point
帽子 – Bōshi – shape of hamon within the kissaki
中子 or 茎 – Nakago – tang (alternative means “stem”)

尻 – Jiri – butt (of tang nakago jiri)
棟 – mune
横手 – Yokote
– mitsukado
区 – machi – notches just before tang
刃文/刃紋 – hamon – hardened edge of sword
焼(き)刃 – Yakiba – hardened edge of sword
焼頭 – yakigashira – start of the hardened edge of the sword
地肌 – Jihada – texture of folded metal above the hamon; also
鍛え – Kitae – forging
佩表 – Haki omote – side of sword facing outwards when worn
佩裏 – Haki ura – side of sword facing the body when worn
鑢目 – Yasurime – file marks on tang
目釘穴 – Mekugi ana (sometimes “ana” = ) – hole in tang for retaining peg
個 – Ko – Counter for mekugi ana


Types of forging pattern

板目肌 – Itame hada – wood grain

杢目肌 – Mokume – wood burl grain

綾杉肌– Ayasugi hada – wavy pattern

柾目肌– Masame hada – straight grain

梨子地肌 – Nashiji hada – pear skin pattern

小糠肌 – Konuka hada – rice bran pattern

松皮肌 – Matsukawa hada – pine bark pattern

肌立 – Hada tachi – hada that stands out

流れ – nagare - flowing

Types of hamon


乱れ – Midare – irregular pattern

直刃 – Suguba – straight hamon

互の目 – Gunome – half-circle pattern

尖刃 – Togariba – pointed pattern

乱刃 – Toranba – irregular rolling wave pattern

飛焼 – tobiyaki – hardened areas above the hamon

皆焼 – hitatsura – “everything hardened”

Effects within the ji and hamon

暗帯 – antai - the dark areas between nioiguchi and border of the utsuri

段映り – Dan utsuri – utsuri comprised of various layers

地斑映り- jifu utsuri – if jifu spots appear all over the blade and form a pattern this term is used. It is rare and hardly appears after the nambokucho period but is typical for Ko-Bizen, Un group and Aoe swords.

景刃文 – kage hamon – shadow hamon: another name for utsuri

匂 – Nioi – small, indistinct martensite crystals (think of the milky way)

沸 or 錵 – Nie – martensite crystals that can be seen individually (think of individual stars within the milky way)

出来 – Deki – manufacture, style (used in combination with nie or nioi indicating predominantly one or the other.

足 – Ashi – Feet

金筋 – Kinsuji – black line of nie in the hamon (if straight)

稲妻 – Inazuma – literally lightning bolt – kinsuji that are zigzag shaped

砂流し – Sunagashi – brushed sand effect

湯走り – Yubashiri – “hot running water” – formations of ji nie

地景 – Chikei – “Shadows in the steel”- black lines of nie in the Ji – the same substance as kinsuji

縮緬 – chirimen – crepe paper (chirimen hada refers to a style of forging pattern in the Aoe school)




棒樋 – Bo hi – a single straight groove

添樋 – Soe bi – “accompanying groove”- single narrow groove below a bo hi

止め – Dome – the end of a groove

丸止め – Maru dome – round end of a groove ending before the habaki

掻く – Kaku – to scratch (re making of groove)

梵字 – bonji – Sanskrit symbol

素剣 – suken – carving unadorned sword




磨上 – Suriage - shortened


Styles of yasurimei


鑢目 – Yasurime – file marks

大筋違 – Osujikai – greatly slanting file marks

化粧 – Keshō – “Make up”- style of yasurimei occurring in the Shinto period and later

刻む – Kizamu – To engrave



年紀 – Nenki – date/ period

年号 – Nengo – Generic name for the Japanese eras corresponding to the reign of an emporer

時代 – Jidai – era or age – can refer to a nengo era.

鎌倉– Kamakura [jidai]

南北朝 – Nambokucho – Northern and southern courts period

室町 – Muromachi

安土桃山 – Azuchi-Momoyama

江戸 – Edō

幕末 – Bakumatsu – end of Edo period “end of Bakufu”

現代 – Gendai - modern

前期 – Zen Ki – Early period

後期 – Kō ki – late period

歳 – Sai – Years of age (suffix)

- Compiled and shared by John J (Shugyosha) -

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