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Netsuke-like object (NLO) or real?

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45 minutes ago, John C said:

to be NLOs

John, I am embarrassed to say I don’t know what NLO means. Never come across that.

First glance at the dragon  looks old and quite well carved but the signature looks rough. 
can’t spend time on it right now. Will have better look tomorrow.

best. Colin


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Quick second glance. 
I think it’s modern, not Chinese (too good to be Chinese), very clever but somehow it’s wrong. To be honest, it’s a bit scary. Clever patination but using wrong colours.

The other two bits on eBay are wrong…..they don’t have the “Japanese feel”…..too harsh, too ugly.


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Meant to say of course it’s bone, not ivory. If it was an old Japanese piece it would almost certainly be ivory. Bone was used much more in later times and by the Chinese fakers also. However it’s still way better than just about any wrong ‘un I’ve ever seen. 

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