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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Nick

    mei translation

    Hi all, Many thanks for your help. It's does make a little more sense now. I kept coming up with Atsu, shu, obi, too, but it just didn't make any sense as I was trying to correlate it to a smith. Also, on the dedication, according to my 'Nelson's Jap-Eng character dictionary pg 36, those 5 kanji relate exactly to the translation "Amaterasu Omikami, Tenshoko. Without the 3rd kanji it translates to Amaterasu Omikami. Nobody, is there a difference between Amaterasu Omikami, Tenshoko and Amaterasu Sume Omikami? I'm assuming that either way, it's a dedication. Once again, thanks all for your help
  2. Nick

    mei translation

    I've wracked my brain and scoured allmy books trying to figure out the translation on this wak. The opposite side has a dedication to the Japanese Sun-Goddess "Amaterasu Omi Kami Tenshoko", but this side is really giving me a hard time As far as I can figure out the middle character might be "tane" but the other two have stumped me Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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