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Posts posted by CourseEight

  1. Hello --


    Thank you so much for the fast reply and translation!  This is quite a bit older than I had anticipated and so I'm quite excited about that.


    I know that, in general, such a sword should be restored to proper polish and fittings.  However, I also know that some swords are considered too damaged for this.  I am wondering if anyone more experienced in these matters than I had any opinions regarding whether this sword is worth it or even capable of a proper restoration.  I am attaching a close-up of the worst condition part of the sword for context.  There are oxidation marks and abrasion streaks throughout.  


    Thank you again for your help,


    --R. Santos


  2. Hello --


    Although I've collected edged weapons for a while, I have not previously ventured into Nihonto.  However, I recently inherited a katana from the estate of my step-father-in-law.  It has clearly not been properly cared for in it's lifetime, as it seems to have been allowed to rust previously, and then the rust was sanded.  There is also a fairly large chip in the edge, the same is cracked, and there is no ito. The blade-to-tsuba length is approximately 70 cm.  My understanding from what I have read so far is that the first step in determining whether to pursue professional restoration is determining the age and quality of the blade, and that translating the mei can be helpful in that.  So, I am posting this to the translation section in hopes of assistance in that regard.  There only appears to be writing on one side of the nakago.  I am also posting other pictures of the sword for context.


    Thank you very much for your help,


    --R. Santos









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