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Mark Andrews

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    Tanegashima Matchlock Kakae Zutsu / Tsuba ( Pre EDO ) EDO Fencing Swords Shinto / Kabuto ( Pre EDO ) Etc Etc....

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  1. Hi John, for your interest and others a picture of another tsuba that a member has listed on the NMB 2013. Which I have just found ( Hope is allowed & OK to show the pic ) It is in much better condition than my tsuba. Again John, thank you for putting me on the right track. Edit....listed in Haynes’ Index as Inazu Chikamoto (H 00265.0) Kind regards, Mark.
  2. Hi John, Thank you....I checked the Kanji you just given. http://tangorin.com 周始 And it shows up as SHU SHI, back to square 1... I am not sure with Chikamoto I will study further. Edit.. just checked and I can not find Chikamoto listed with that kanji. Not on that site anyway. Edit... John, I have the information. You are correct with your observation thank you. Tsuba is Chikamoto. SHU SHI is wrong on my part and the seller of the Tsuba. Today I had some luck with given name and family name coming together as Kaneharu, but I am probably barking up the wrong tree. Many thanks, Mark.
  3. Hi guys, I bought this tsuba recently with a lower offer . It came with a dealers NTKK ( not from NBTHK ) which I have not had before. On the listing, it showed maker was named Shushi Saku ?. I think it maybe Kaneharu saku. Can anyone help with maker's name please, is the latter correct ? I have tried Kanji pages and others with a small amount of luck only. 2 pics are included and my other reference tsuba from Toledo museum made by Kaneharu late edo. Many Thanks, Mark.
  4. Mark Andrews

    New Tsuba

    Hello Fred, I bought a tsuba which is the same as yours from ebay last month . My tsuba has no design on it , and I would think it would fit a Tanto. I would also like to know the school if possible or information on yours from other collectors views. Best regards, Mark.
  5. Thank you gents for your help. Questions 1&2 have been cleared up. Mr Tsuruta san, has been most helpful,and all is well. Again thank you for your help. Regards, Mark.
  6. Hello Barry, Thank you for your input. this has cleared up the postage and insurance for me . Barry, I have not used Skype, form the old school. I have sent email to Tsuruta san, yes... he seems easy to deal with. Cheer's, Mark.
  7. Hello Wah, Thank you for getting back. When I bought the tsuba on the 15th Nov, I had a rough idea of the costing which would be taken out of my account :? . I have taken into account the daily exchange rate change etc up & down. But $100.00 AUD extra. Not sure ? I have sent another email to Aoi-Art asking to break down the costing for me. I guess if the seller waits until now to take out funds, I get hit a much higher exchange rate against me as the AUD has fallen again. P.S. Wah, did you get a cash register receipt in your parcel for using your credit card ? Using my Credit card overseas is only 2% charge from my bank. Cheer's, Mark.
  8. Hi john , Thank you for your replay. I was going to use my Paypal account. But as most Japanese sellers, they want you to pay the Paypal fee's etc. This is the first time I have used Aoi-Art for buying Tsuba. Unfortunately, I find the emails very vague form Aoi-Art. Its like there is more than one person dealing with your questions. This is why I have turned to NMB for assistance. Cheer's, Mark.
  9. Hi Guys, Just a question or two, about Aoi-Art and the purchase of Tsuba. Can anyone please advise in regards to your dealings with this seller. (1) using your Credit card, filling out these details on the Aoi-Art shop order form. Only then to show up later on your general email account with address / name / credit card personal details etc. Has this happened to any other NMB members. (2) When buying a Tsuba @ say 55,000 JPY then using exchange converter to say $590.00 AUD approx. Can anyone tell me please, does Aoi-Art also charge / tack on any extra costing like EMS postage and hidden charges for using my Credit card when buying the Tsuba @ 55,000JPY. Which of course makes the total amount much greater. Also has anyone else found a long winded time for the funds to be taken out of your account. I hope I have expressed clearly what I am asking, as I am not as young as I use to be and find international transactions daunting these days. :? Thank you for any help given. Best Regards, Mark.
  10. Hello Curran, thank you for the information, I will google your info and see what turns up. It will make a great paper weight on my desk anyway Cheer's, Mark.
  11. Hello Grey/David/Brian & John. Thank you guys for your input. I bought the tsuba? because of the theme of Edo tiger and dragon. I think Brian, maybe on the right track with regards it being just a keep sake or gift. I will place other pics on when I get my camera back which is on loan at present. I would still like to know the kanji meaning though on the lid. If anyone else can read the kanji it would be appreciated thank you. All the best..... Cheer's, Mark.
  12. Greetings all, I bought this tsuba from Japan ( maybe a repro ? ) . On the box it has ink Kanji . I can't make sence of it except the name ittu kansai ???? , anyway if any other fellow tsuba collector can help that would be great, Thank you .... Cheer's, Mark.
  13. Gents, The same picture X-ray . I am not sure if I have made this better or worse I have tried to enhance some of the missing small plates & polarized it. The 2 black lines look like they are void. Maybe 2 gaps top to bottom Ian, I can now see clearly the bottom row which has been added and also I note the overlap at this section going across the 2 lines. Just my opinion it looks like its in three sections with a small centerpiece which allows flex maybe as Ian, had mentioned before. Cheer's, Mark.
  14. Ian, is it possible to X-ray Nihonto the same way. I know there is Aircraft stress crack scoping which I think is a type of X-ray. I would wonder if it would pick up kizu or flaws inside waiting to get out of the blade . I also noted the 2 black lines. I could not work it out what they were. So they are leather. Maybe a strengthening support for the flag pole support area in the center of the back Cheer's, Mark.
  15. Guys, a dou with a difference.You might off seen this pic before on the net.I find it fascinating. At least you can see what you are getting for your money. Cheer's, Mark.
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