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Recently accquired small Ken in Shirasaya (Possibly Nanboku-chō to early Muromachi Period)

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Hello.  This is my first post here, so I thought I would start by showing off my most recent acquisition.


This is a small ken.  It is double edged with a suguha hamon, and is unfortunately mumei.


The blade is quite tired, as you will see in the following images, though does still retain quite a nice polish.  The habaki is copper, wrapped in silver, and may not be original.  The entire piece is in shirasaya, which does appear to be rather old as well.


Judging by the appearance of the blade and nakago, as well as some consultation with an expert, this small ken may be from the Nanboku-chō to early Muromachi Period, though I am not certain.


What are your thoughts?  I may end up putting it up for trade eventually.


Imgur link, due to the files being too large: https://imgur.io/a/PeNGViN

Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, DoTanuki yokai said:

Small is hard to judge how about cm and taking the Habaki off ?
Could be shortned yari in shirasaya in my opinion but the Habaki is hiding most information.

Total length of the piece (nakago included) is 8.2cm long.  I will attempt to remove the habaki.


Update: I am unable to remove the habaki.  It is extremely tight on the blade, and I fear that I may damage it, the blade, or both.

Edited by Ultra04

I don't think its (that) old.

Ken is a very conservative form so not going into arcane subjects of shape (though I would argue nakago is a bit thick, the hole is a bit drilled and the patina lacks truly old luster). there is a plasticky looking perfect suguha with bright and broad nioi-guchi which is as if drawn by hand, without any indication of the active hada.

Polish might be an issue here, but stil Rai Kunitoshi's ken even in pur suguha would have quite active hada (typical Rai "dashes") and occasional dots of fine nie along the habuchi. This one looks two much like a drawing in comparison. 

Its not that old.


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Dear Chris.


Welcome to NMB!  I very much fear that your ken has been ruinously treated by a previous custodian. Looking at the area just above the habaki it seems that someone has drastically thinned down the blade, probably in an effort to remove pitting, and that they too could not remove the habaki.  You may be able to remove it but possibly not.  When you suggest that the blade still retains a polish I think you might just be seeing whatever that last owner did to the blade and therefore none of the features that would confirm it's age is likely to be visible.


Keep it lightly oiled and enjoy it for what it is.


All the best.




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