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Dear All,

I am looking for informations regarding this sword : wakizashi (?), Fake (?), Period (?) And histotic value?

Can you give me your opinion?

Thank you in advance for your precious advice


vue d'ensemble1.jpg







Agree with Brian. One of those so called Satsuma rebellion sword, so very late Shinshinto/Meiji period, low quality and probably arsenal sword. Not much value but in my opinion great historical value.


Pleeease! Tell me that your name is a pun! :laughing:


Thank you for your feedback

In the same lot, there is also another Nihonto much more damaged.

Do you think it could be the same story / Period?


Brian, I don't own this sword, so it's impossible to take a tang picture


JP, my father, Alakon, of Greek origin and great adventurer wished to give me a more westernized first name…🤣

more seriously, given the little interest in swords and demonstrations in France, you have how many lives to acquire all your knowledge ?👍



1 tsuba.jpg


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Hi Jean,


Well, at least you didn’t end up with Jacques! :)


I guess the second sword is basically the same story though the blade appears a little better to my eye, although it’s difficult to say much more.


I agree with you, not easy to find great information in French. best way is to find a mentor as there might be some if you live in a big city. I don’t have that luxury. However, if you have trouble with English, there are a few good books in French. everything by Serge Degorre is great (nippon-to for the beginner, then Koto, Shinto and Shinshinto for advanced learning are great). For the beginner, there is also a book by Bongrain. Different and less recommended, still, it covers some stuff nippon-to doesn’t. If you are into military era Katana, there’s a good book too that can easily be found on Amazon (can’t remember the name right now). There are some cool sites too. Don’t hesitate to PM me if you want more details.





On 12/10/2020 at 7:13 AM, 16k said:

..... For the beginner, there is also a book by Bongrain.....


il écrit aussi? Je croyais qu'il fait du fromage à Illoud. 😄

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