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Well..... I found this site browsing for a replica wakizashi and on it stumbled across this page....




http://www.samurai-sword-shop.com/Japan ... 61-ctg.htm


Now these seem to be made by a company in China called Zhui Feng, and the most expensive ones are about 2995 Euros... which is about 4,092.85 USD


I must say... even though these swords can never be classified as nihonto and still are expensive Chinese muck........


it seems they are getting somewhere....... what do you think about these swords?




I think those are properly forged, folded and made out of modern steels, and are probably very nice swords that are some of the top of the line non-Japanese type swords.

But they are not Nihonto, and never will be. They fall under the category of modern made custom swords, and not intended as fakes.

Not much to discuss about them on the forum though. High class Chinese forged swords made in the Japanese style.




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