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Guest Nanshoku-Samurai

Hi Julie!


Yes it is authentic. Probably Mino Shinto guy. I would want to think an average rate dude or Gimei as Mei is cut quite poorly. However I couldn't see a clear enough picture. Best thing is teh Kaga F/K. Good stuff!


What is it worth? What people will pay for it :)


In my humble oppinion $900.00 - $1300.00 Average blade with some Kizu. Avergae Koshirae but for the Fuchi / Kashira.




I'd say I'm over my head. Guess I better do more research so that I understand the details. But this forum is really helping me a lot - good info.

- Julie

Guest Nanshoku-Samurai

Buddy, have you ever seen a hagire that is not straight? :roll: It's a carpet fiber ...




Thanks for the picture, Ed...


I think I will take your knowledge on this before certain other members!!!


Nice one Si'.... heh heh... Sake in August mate!!



Guest Nanshoku-Samurai

Ed, do you have a picture of the otehr side of the "Hagire" ?


Here is (was) my own hagire. I eventually traded the sword. Yes..both sides and very clear.

Folks..less bickering and more civil discusion please. Everyone.

We are all entitled to our opinions, and all are welcome.




This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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