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Dear all, I recently acquired an hitai-ate from the Bakumatsu era. It was described by the seller as : made by Yoshikatsu Kawamura, armor maker of the Sakai family of the Shonai domain, used by the Shinsengumi, Tsuruoka domain. It has three other engraved inscription which are : Hachiman Daibosatsu, Amaterasu Omikami Shrine, Kasuga Daimyojin Shrine. It comes with eight different types of amulets and what I understand to be a certificate. Can you help me on the certificate ? I will need a full translation to see if it is really linked to the hitai-ate. How old is it ? Any helpful comments are welcome. Thank you for your help.
Are there any Gendai Armor makers that are 100% traditional ? I'm interested in Gendai models and how they compare to Antiques, but I feel like no modern maker manages to actually match antiques. Marutake appears to be display-purpose only (apparently, their metal is thin) and tend to use cotton for Odoshi, and Iron Mountain armory, while proposing thicker metal and the ability to use silk if asked, is assembled outside of Japan and uses some inaccurate stuff like riveted fukurin, for example. Both use spray paint instead of Urushi, I've heard IMA wanted to try their hand at Urushi but I haven't heard anything more. There's also Kozando but they're also made by Marutake, although those are apparently wearable but I don't know to what extent. Does anybody knows of another Gendai maker that would be of better accuracy and quality ? And if not, who are the best ones for historical accuracy and functionality ? It feels like nothing is matching even Showa antiques.
Good evening All, A friend who is usually an Indo-Persian collector with somewhat eclectic taste and who does like Japanese arms and armour recently sprung an iron kabuto in a general auction minus the shikoro. It was 'painted' a golden-brownish colour, which on judicious cleaning turned out to be a red-lacquered kabuto. In conversation he asked if I had any idea what it would cost to restore the kabuto, and indeed whether it was even worth restoring it 'as is', or restoring with a replacement shikoro. Having myself a russet Momoyama Hirata Yoshihisa Zunari kabuto I have wondered myself about costs. So I turn the question over to the Board for anyone with knowledge of 'ball park' restoration costs. The first two pictures below are of my Zunaru kabuto and the next two are of my friend's red-lacquered acquisition. The ukebari is intact in the latter red helmet, though just hanging on in a couple of places. No mei can be seen anywhere. To me this kabuto almost looks 'top heavy', but perhaps that perspective is altered by the very small fukigayeshi. With thanks, BaZZa. aka Barry Thomas.
Dear gentlemen, Can you help me to translate that signature ? It seems to be the name of the maker, TADAKATSU ???? Do you know him as a helmet maker ? Thank you for your help.
Hi I have two very recent acquisitions and 'd like a bit of education which are in two separate posts Uwe has already given me some advice which I hope I've shown correctly I have contacted David Thatcher but his workload is massive! Hanbo The "han-bô" is of the "saru-bô" type (monkey cheeks). These kind of face masks had no nose guard, unlike me-no-shita men (or short "menpo"). The han-bô bears some age and might be dated back to the early/mid Edo period. Hard to tell, if it was once lacquered?! Although the pictures suggesting, that the tare don´t belong to the mask, it fits quite well in terms of colour and shape (the first lame is a bit short though). My questions: Should it have the minimum restoration or left alone If restored what needs to be done Any other information will be of great help to me
Hi I have two very recent acquisitions and 'd like a bit of education which are in two separate posts Uwe has already given me some advice which I hope I've shown correctly I have contacted David Thatcher but his workload is massive! Kabuto Early/mid Edo kabuto. The urushi appears a bit too shiny considering it´s age. The base of the Eboshi, is an older six plate toppai-nari kabuto. Considering this, it is safe to assume, that superstructure is made of paper mâché (confirmed). Not an unusual way to create an eboshi kabuto. This will also explain the cracks and dents in the lacquer. I say lacquer instead of urushi, because I´m not sure if its urushi at all as the white edges on the cracks are making me suspicious. To sum it up, I think the whole helmet seems completely restored. Neck guard (shikoro) is newly lacquered and amateurishly laced. Also, its attachment to the helmet is incomplete, done only with the split shank rivets (hachi tsuke no byo). These ‘rivets’ are ‘posh’ paperclips My questions: Should it have the minimum restoration or left alone If restored what needs to be done Any other information will be of great help to me
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Hi all, If anyone could assist in the translation of these papers for a 62 plate Kabuto I would be very great full. Many thanks. David
Found what seems to be a signature,hopefully date on an ashigaru do,but im having troubles identifyng the kanji as they are pretty worn out and im not familiar with them, Any help is appreciated, Thanks
Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu (Happy New Year!) Well, it has been quite a while since I last checked in, but I’ve made some inroads in the blade markets here in Japan recently. How would you like to have your own personal buyer in Japan ? I am an antique dealer selling on eBay as araki0726 (check my excellent feedback!) as well as to an ever growing list of direct mail clients all over the world (many of them Nihonto Message Board members). You can also find me on Facebook: Japanese Antique Auctions: I am not an authority on blades, but I do specialize in Samurai armor, and I can help you find what you need. Much better selection and less competition! I send out offers twice a week. I’m afraid I do not check in here often, so by all means mail me at or through my ebay or Facebook pages. Yoroshiku. Kelly Schmidt
Hello forum... I am trying to learn about Jizai Onimono and their makers. This is the Breast Plate of the "Crayfish" art piece I bought. May I please ask, can you help me with the name translation and who he was or family history? I have been searching the internet, but, there is only a few sites, and, most are about Onimono Auctions/for sale sites. Is there any sites that are dedicated to Jizai Onimono art work and enthusiast? I did not know where else to ask. Thanks for viewing.. Alton Takata - aka Ken Katana on the weekends