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  1. So I recently acquired a wakizashi from a relative and wanted to learn a bit more about it. The sword was brought back from ww2 along with a few bayonets and an officer's sword. The blade itself is completely devoid of any kanji but the tsuba and seppa's have some kanji on them. Also on the kashira (hope that is the right term) there is a crest which from what I can tell is from the mori clan though I'm not entirely sure as there seems to be quite a few different variations of that particular crest. There are a few peculiarities with the sword however, the first is that there is only one peg holding the blade in place instead of the usual two. The second is that the scabbard is a good five inches longer than the actual blade. Also of note is that the entire guard is comprised of 6 seppa (seppa or seppas?) two slightly larger pieces and a central thicker tsuba made of copper. All of the seppa are either a brass or similar composite but two are very dark from ageing and from contact with the other non brass pieces. Any and all input is greatly appreciated.
  2. Good Morning to all. Some of you know me as Medina San. I have not posted in a while, so it's about time for me to do so. First this item is not for sale, it's for everyone to enjoy and learn. As that is what I want to do, so all comments and thoughts are welcome. This Wakizshi has an Orikaeshi-mae to Soshu Ju Masahiro its 22 inches long with Horimono of Bonji and So no kurikara. I do have more photos if needed.
  3. Hello everyone! This is my first post, so please forgive me if I make any newbie mistakes. Well, I'm basically in need of some information regarding a wakizashi I might be purchasing. But I'm quite the new when it comes to nihonto and in desperate need of advice and knowledge. The wakizashi is 20 inches long and is in great condition. It is sign KANETSUNE from Mino and it's a Unokubi Zukuri (I believe). The seller has a good reputation and has several with papers as well. According to the seller : "What I know about it is what I've learned from other (knowledgeable) forums that it's Mino-Seki Kanetsune and the signature is genuine, it's going to be around the Oei period (1394-1428). No paper but is in a very nice condition with the attachment belonging to the blade and also has kogatana / kozuka (small knife)" Is the signature real? Would it be a good investment and what should I pay? (Seller is asking for 1800 usd). Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Lukas G.
  4. Lukas

    Help Deciphering

    Hello everyone, Hope all is well. I'm writing regarding a signed nihonto. I noticed that most people here a very knowledgeable and helpful. Basically, I'm looking for any information the mei. I know that is very very hard to give credible information just by looking at a picture, but I though I'd give it a try (received a lot help on my last post). The tang has A mitsu-momi, which I read is rather rare. Thank you very much! Happy easter or/and have a great weekend
  5. hello, could you help me in the translation of these engravings and if you think about this piece, thank you very much.
  6. Hey there, As I'm quite new in the nihonto world I require som advice regarding a wakizashi. Certificate: NTHK (Nihon Token Hozon Kai) Certificate date: 16/7-2017 Signed by: Chief Executive Officer Teiji Miyano Forge: TOMOYUKI Province: Bungo School: Takada Era: Muromachi Year: Bunei 1469-1486 Leaf style: Shinogi Zukuri Iorimune Kitae Itame Hamon: Suguha komaru gaeri Mekugi ana: 1 Full Length: 65.5cm Wakizashi: 63.5cm (sword) Nagasa: 43.5cm (cutting section on the blade) Sori: 1.1cm (curvature) Tsuka: 18cm (handle) It is offered at 1600 usd. I would be very grateful If there was anyone who could give there input. Thank very much. Lukas Gerdin
  7. Hello, I am new to the forum and am seeking help. I am trying to come up with some information about this sword and paperwork. I have been told that the origami is done by Shibata Mitsuo and that's sadly all the information I have on either the sword or paperwork. I have no idea how old it is, who made it, it's value, or anything like that. Any and all help is very much appreciated. Thank you!
  8. Hello, I am trying to buy this sword and I would just like to know the value of it, as well as the age of the blade. It has a family crest on the handle and there is three holes in the tang. Any help would be great.
  9. Haven't posted here before so I figured I should.. My Bizen waki, this was my first nihonto Momoyama jidai Mei: Bishu Osafune Sukesada Suriage from an uchigatana
  10. I recently bought this wakizashi on ebay, with a Moriie signature and dated "Muromachi" era. Now I have done some looking myself into Moriie, there were quite a few it seems, ranging from the famous Hatakeda Moriie to standard Muromachi smiths. Can anyone help me identify or give me a better clue as to which generation Moriie this could be? There was a note on the registration card from a previous owner that thought it may be 2nd or 3rd generation Moriie, but at the price I paid I sincerely doubt that as those smiths have very high Fujishiro, Toko Taikan and Hawley ratings. The sword itself is in very good condition, and seems to have been polished quite a few times in its life due to the thin hamon and two small ware. Please find attached images of the sword, with the mei seen on the middle. Thank you for your help.
  11. Dear NMB Members: I just picked this up from a veteran's family. The vet was stationed in Japan during the occupation. He was stationed in Nara, and he told his son that he was assigned to a group of soldiers in charge of confiscating the weapons/swords from the citizens. He told his son that the citizens were ordered to take all of their swords into the street, and put them in piles. Army trucks then picked up the swords and hauled them away for destruction. He grabbed about six swords and shipped them back home to the U.S. in wooden boxes, along with a number of other items. Apparently, the boxes of war artifacts were stored in the attic for 40-50 years, and opened after the vet died. I purchased three swords: two dress parade swords, and this one. All three swords had surrender tags attached, all from Nara. This one has a number of tags on it, which may just be the owners address information, but I am hoping someone can tell what if any other information is on the surrender tags, if any. The blade nagasa is 20-3/4 inches long. The blade is very straight (Kanbun?), and the tang is shortened, but with what appears to be the kanji: "Bitchu osafune ju ....." The smith;s name is gone.The hamon is suguha. I have attached some photos of the various surrender tags, and I hope someone can tell me if the tags say anything other than the owner;s address. It appears the owner's name is: "Soichiro Yanizoye(?)" Any translation help is sincerely appreciated. Regards, Bill E. Sheehan (Yoshimich)
  12. https://katananokura.jp/SHOP/1203-W02.html Hon'ami Koson kimpunmei, NBTHK papered. At 1.9M JPY = ~17k USD, seems a bit discounted for a Norishige, no? Am I missing something? Just curious, cannot see myself spending that much any time soon.
  13. I can't decide which one of these two sword I should buy: Wakizashi #676 http://www.juwelier-strebel.de/asien-kunst/Japan/wakizashi-tanto.html Katana #713 http://www.juwelier-strebel.de/asien-kunst/Japan/katana.html
  14. Hello, I have come across a naginata wakazashi. I was wondering if it would be possible to be told about the sword. I was really curious about the sword smith and the approximate value of it . I have attached pictures below. I don't plan on selling it I would just like to know if I have to clam it on my home insurance. Thank you in advance for your help!
  15. This sword was owned by my grandfather. The fuchi, kashira, tsuba and shito-dome are iron. The blade length is 22" to the mune-machi. There is no signature that I can see. Would this blade be appropriate for practicing Iado or katas? The wood tsuka core is cracked through the menuki-ana, and the ito and same are badly deteriorated. I want to use the existing menuki, fuchi and kashira to build a new tsuka, although I do feel kind of bad about unwrapping the old handle. Right now there is no way to secure the blade due to the crack in the old tsuka. I'm interested in any information about the origins of the blade and koshirae. Thank you very much!
  16. Hello guys i have recently bought this wakizashi for a new polish. And i was wondering if anybody know this smith? The characters are made very thin. Thank you for everyone trying to help me out guys.
  17. A NBTHK Hozon Wakizashi sword from personal collection for sale. This sword comes with its official NBTHK judgement paper. Mumei but the NBTHK attributes the blade to Bungo TAKADA (豊後高田) smiths, from late Muromachi period (c. 1558 - 1570) I believe. This sword is in good polish and overall health blade condition. The blade remains in good shape, and its suguha hamon and steel grains are clearly visible. There are only a couple of minor kizu (one small fukure, few light oxidation spots, and few surface scratches) detectable, but the blade is of course free of hagire or any major flaws (see attached pics). This sword comes with its own Shirasaya mountings. Nagasa is 52.7cm (20.76 inches). Total length while in shirasaya is 79.5cm (31.5). The blade weighs 750g (1.65 lbs). Asking price $2,500 USD or best offer. You may make your offer via my ebay listing page: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Authentic-Japanese-sword-w-NBTHK-judgement-paper-Bungo-Takada-wakizashi/272629139341 Or email me at: kuw148@psu.edu (Sword pics taken with my cellphone camera, please forgave my lackluster photography skill) Front side of the blade: Backside: Kissaki region, front and back: Nakago: NBTHK judgement paper (held against window light to show its watermark security feature): Blade in shirasaya:
  18. Hi All, I have been asked to carve a Bokuto from a war capture sword. This sword was obtained directly from the returned soldier who obtained it, so I believe it is genuine. I think it is by Ido Hidetoshi, who worked out of Seki Before and into WW2. It has an interesting shape, and is between a Wakisashi and Katana in length, but perhaps with the shape of a Katate Uchi(?). From the various Bokuto I have carved from it in Australian hardwoods, it handles and feels balanced as a one haded sword I will post initial pics, if more are required (perhaps the full tang?) forgive me, I will take and post them as soon as possible. All the best, and thanks in advance, Stu Smith
  19. Hello everybody i have recently bought a wakizashi from a friend of mine with judgement papers. He had won the sword on ebay for less than 500 $. But he did not knew anything about the sword so if there is anybody who can help me out with this? I want to know who made it and when it is made? Where in what provence etc etc. Thank you and i will be looking forward to it. Geoffry
  20. Hello, I recently acquired a sword and I am having difficulty with the Mei. I received this in on trade and will be keeping it just wanting to know any details. Thanks Bruce
  21. Dear All I bought a mounted wakizashi (O-tanto) at the Minneapolis sword show. The Shinogi-zukuri blade with high shinoji is 12 ¼ inch (31.1 cm) long with a gunomi midare in nio hamon. The fuchi is signed by Mito ju Sekijōken Motokazu (H05878.0). I think I have identified some of the kanji on the right hand side but I am unsure what they mean? Any thoughts? Also there are 5 kanji on the side of the fuchi and 8 kanji on the kashira. I am unsure what any of these kanji are. Thoughts? The fuchi has a red gourd with maple leaves and the kashira has a samurai with a naginata? Is there a story here? If more images are needed please let me know. Thanks for any help David jswords@mcn.net
  22. Hi all, just thought I'd post pics of a Sadatsugu (I'm told)53cm nagasa wakizashi, Sorry about pics all i got. I'm looking 2 add this one shortly 2 the lot, and would like 2 know more about it. Comments all good, thanks Details not 2 good in pics Mark L
  23. Hello, I am new here, and looking for translation on a wakizashi. It has no Shinsa with it and was wondering if someone would be kind enough to give me a translation and maybe some information on the sword smith. thanks
  24. Early Koto Mumei Wakizashi - O-kissaki shinogi-zukuri Blade in older polish In Koshirae with iron Higo style fuchi & kashira with gilt inlay Old shakudo menuki and a rare Higo wrap of lacquered paper ito carved in tsunami maki Saya red matt with tooled brass kojiri and slot for kogai Habaki yamagane Blade length: 37.3cm Sori: 0.7cm Moto-haba, thickness at the Hamamachi: 2.6cm Kasane, thickness at the Hamachi: 0.5cm Era: Early koto £1950 for collection in London or SE UK or I will ship to UK/EU/ US
  25. Hello Gents, I'm offering my Jumyo Daisho for sale. Jumyo comes from a long line of sword smiths based in Mino province working in the Mino Tradition. 1st Generation Jumyo is said to originate from Yamato province, dating back to Einin (1293-1299). Swords from this smith are said to bring good luck and were commonly used as gifts. The workmanship in this daisho looks to be Sue-Koto or early Shinto period work. Irregular Midare, bold Mokume hada in areas. The Boshi is the real stand out. Both swords are ubu and signed "Jumyo". Nagasa: Daito 59.2cm Shoto 42.8cm Both of these swords are of wakizashi length. The daito being just 0.8 cm under katana length. This is a true daisho, not a mixed matched pair of swords. The workmanship and signatures on each sword are the same. They are both stored in high quality shira-saya with horn koiguchi and solid silver two piece habaki. Both swords are in an older state of polish and the shoto has some old oil stains. The daito has also had a small repair on the mune at some point. These swords would benefit greatly from a professional Japanese polish (sashi-komi would be best), new koshirae and papers if one so desired. That was my plan anyway, and still may be. I'm only posting this for sale ad for a few days due to some recent financial strain. If they don't sell in a few days I'm going to take this ad down and gladly keep them. I'm based in Canada. Depending on your location, I can work with the buyer a bit in regards to the shipping cost. A great opportunity to own a true daisho for a fair price. $3,500 USD. Best way to reach me is by email. Thank you. Travisclarke@telus.net
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