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  1. Hi, my name is Stephen. This is my first post. Attach are pictures of an O-wakizashi I just purchased. It is my first Nihonto. It is dated 1506AD, signed Bishu Osafune Kiyomitsu. Cutting edge is 59.4cm. The sword was registered in Japan in 1951 (I have read that this was a Diamyo registry year). Being my first Nihonto, I am not very experienced and don't know if this is a good sword or not. Thanks. Stephen C.
  2. I am trying to date this blade. I can't figure out which Kuniyuki made it. I am also trying to figure out if it is worth the money to do a full polish and mount. Please help. I am new on here so bare with me.
  3. Hey guys! You'll probably be able to point out the flaws in it. I can tell that the ends are a bit off center, but this is my first attempt at sageo tying; so I thought I'd share it with you all! This is on a wakizashi that I bought from a guy here and I replaced the tsuba with something I felt fit the piece better. Obviously the sageo's coloring is off for this, but its the closest I could find. I am still fairly proud of it (maybe my boy scout days are paying off, maybe not), though I am sure I'll look back on it years from now and shake my head.
  4. Greetings, Pictured are two Nihonto. As you can see, the polish on the mune at the kissaki has a "dull" or frosted finish that runs about 5 1/2 cm on the mune from the tip of the kissaki towards the mune-machi. What, if any, purpose does this have? The only thing I've heard is that this type of polish is for Tameshigiri to give a visual reference to be at the proper distance to the target. Any other ideas?
  5. Hello, newbie here. I just took ownership of a papered Wakizashi. I have no previous experience with NBTHK papers, but from what I can read, I think I can read "Ninteisho" and "Item, Wakizashi, Hiromitsu" I can make very little sense of anything else, dates, rank, additional information, etc. I know where to look on the paper to find this information, I just can't read it. I believe the envelope is dated 2012 (other side from pic). I can upload better quality pics or scans, but I have attached what I have from the photos I took immediately after unboxing. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
  6. The Tower

    My Wakizashi

    Whats your opinion on this wakizashi i bought a few years back? https://imgur.com/gallery/NNVT8nC https://imgur.com/gallery/gcvFhlo
  7. Dear All I am working on a translation on A wakizashi with a sanbonsuji hamon. I think 信国義昌楊 Nobukuni Yoshimasa Yō 兼信銘有之 Kanenobu Mei Yū kore Looks to be a signature from the shinshinto smith Chikushu Minamoto Nobukuni tsukuru but not sure Of all of the kanji and no idea of the translation Any thoughts? later david
  8. Hey guys, I want your maximum scrutiny on this blade here. It is alleged Kyu Gunto, but the length of the blade and the apparent looseness of the nakago in the grip throw me off. It is firmly of wakizashi length at a mere 21.5 inches for the nagasa and with a sori of .25 inches. It is signed "Nobuyoshi" but that is the word of the seller. I believe the grip and blade itself are Japanese but with its slight looseness (which may be due to a poorly sized mekugi), there might be a possibility its a put together. It does have both rear and forward seppa. The scabbard does fit it well, but it is about four inches longer than the blade itself (though internally, it appears to fit tightly). I suppose I am asking a few things: Were Kyu Gunto of non-katana sizes (even at 21.5 inches)? Do you think this is a put together? What is the smith's name? Whats the possible age range for this blade? Thanks gents! ~Chris
  9. Hello, was looking for an opinion on this Wakizashi, nagasa 20 11/16 inch's. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I think I have narrowed it down to the Kozori school. Signed Bishu Osafune Norimitsu which I know is indicative of Kazu-uchi mono, so can we say this Norimitsu is kazu-uchi mono? Thank you for any help. Dwayne R
  10. Hi, have a Wak which might have been used by a person working for the goverment, due to Koshirae. Blade is mumei with a very special Hamon. Anyone recognise region, potential smith/smiths? Was thinking about Mino due to Hamon but I am not that experienced in this thing. Blade lenght 31.3 cm Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Krister
  11. Hey all! I have a very lovely wakizashi here that is supposedly signed by 'Taira Shigeyuki,' I'd like to hear any specificities on it that you guys might know, especially age/era. I'd love opinions on it and perhaps a general sense of rarity/value here. I do not plan to sell it, but seeing as its so very nice looking, I was considering doing more than just having a shirasaya made for it. Some information on this blade: Nagasa: 53.4cm Sori: 1.5cm It also has a very lovely (what appears to be) Shakudo-plated habaki with a chrysanthemum or sunburst motif to it. Looking forward to your guys' opinions!
  12. Dave R

    New Acquisition

    New to me and bought at the weekend. A very robust blade and spec's on the photo's. What intrigues me on this heavy blade, 7 mill. thick at the mune base and weighing 600 grms, is that it has two mekugi-ana, but looks to be Ubu. Sadly scrubbed at some point, including the nakago.. A more knowledgeable friend hazarded a guess as it being Mino and dating to the 1720's. Thoughts please.
  13. My wife got me this early Christmas gift...she was told its 1900's. Looking for input on potential age as well as thoughts on where to get the necessary missing pieces for this era... Thank you and wishing you and yours an Outstanding Christmas Holiday and New Year Cheers
  14. Good morning and hello gents. How is everyone today so I’m wanting to start a thread for fittings inspired by samurai armor and or accessory’s they would of had. As I found my self a unique kashira in the shape and the style of kabuto and I’m curious what else is out there in the high end of things. As I’m brain storming a pontential Mount up on what I can find. The kashira is iron with excuse the spelling Noume zonga gold inlay yes I know I spelt it wrong not sure the correct way. I’m guessing Early to mid Edo. Photo is taken from the sellers listing as I am not home to take better Not for resale.
  15. Hi All, Up for sale is this shinto period wakizashi by Gassan. It has really nice ayasugi hada which was very difficult to photograph. I think this is the Gassan that worked in about 1624 and was from Owari and also worked under name Nobutaka. It has a nice 2 kanji signature Gassan. The cutting edge of the blade is 21 inches long. It has a wonderful fuchi and one really nice menuki. This is exactly as I got it and just have too many projects in the pipeline so I am selling it so someone else can polish it. I can arrange a nice polish for about $800 for the new owner. I can also arrange for the restoration of the fittings. As I said the ayasugi hada was difficult to photograph but you can see it very clear in hand! $3700 plus shipping and paypal if aplicable. Thanks for looking and if you have any questions please dont hesitate to msg me though this site or email me at brannow_NO_SPAM@artswords.com Please remove the _NO_SPAM from the email address. Bill Rannow www.artswords.com
  16. O-Tanto/Ko-Wakizashi for sale Signed Kane Masu... very similar to the one featured as Tanto of the Quarter in Bushido Magazine (pictured). There are many generations of this smith spanning late Koto into Shinto. I am not sure which one made this sword and so am also uncertain about the exact age. Mino School- Gunome temper with itame hada. A few spots of loose grain and some minor chips but otherwise quite sound. Well cut grooves. Measures 41.7 cm total length. Nagasa is 30.3 cm. 2.7 cm wide It can be enjoyed as is or if polished would be quite lovely. The saya is a bit longer (46.1 cm) than the blade but it is original as far as I can tell. Same on the handle is high quality. Fuchi is ishime (stone pattern) shibuichi. Habaki is good quality silver foil. Again, worthy of completion with tsuba, menuki and a new wrap job. SOLD Ships worldwide.
  17. Hey all, I have another wakizashi of mine here with an unknown mei that features 8 kanji as part of the signature/date, I'd love to know what it says. I appreciate any and all input on what it means as well as any information you can give me about it! I am nearly positive this blade was o-suriage as indicated by the two mekugi-ana. Its definitely thick enough to have been a katana, so I'll also be looking for a suitable tsuka or shirasaya to put this one in, as all it has is just the saya but no tsuka. Thanks again! ~Chris
  18. Hey all! Just joined as I saw that you're all a very active community and as I cannot read signatures so I thought I would ask for help with this particular wakizashi. It has a kikumon on the nakago and then a smith signature. I would love to be told any sort of information you guys can glean from the signature. Age, smith, apparent rarity would all be much appreciated. I've only recently started to acquire more nihonto for my collection of blades and I am now sitting at a little little over half a dozen nihonto of varying types. It has the original silver foil habaki and a shirasaya. If something special, it would be my first nihonto to choose for restoration to display mounts. Pictures below, feel free to ask for more and I can try to get more! Thanks very much! ~Chris
  19. Can someone tell me the meaning of the kanji on the box? Thank you.
  20. I have posted 6 new swords on the website--please take a look! https://stcroixblades.com/shop/Japanese-swords/ Thank you. --Matt Brice
  21. Hello! I recently bought a Wakisashi from a auktion and have no history or knowledge about this sword. I found some tang marks and wonder where i can get help to translate them. Thanks! /Patric from Sweden Attached Thumbnails
  22. Hello! I recently bought a Wakisashi from a auktion and have no history or knowledge about this sword. I found some tang marks and wonder where i can get help to translate them. Thanks! /Patric from Sweden Attached Thumbnails
  23. Can anybody validate this signature or post some pictures to compare this with
  24. So I recently acquired a wakizashi from a relative and wanted to learn a bit more about it. The sword was brought back from ww2 along with a few bayonets and an officer's sword. The blade itself is completely devoid of any kanji but the tsuba and seppa's have some kanji on them. Also on the kashira (hope that is the right term) there is a crest which from what I can tell is from the mori clan though I'm not entirely sure as there seems to be quite a few different variations of that particular crest. There are a few peculiarities with the sword however, the first is that there is only one peg holding the blade in place instead of the usual two. The second is that the scabbard is a good five inches longer than the actual blade. Also of note is that the entire guard is comprised of 6 seppa (seppa or seppas?) two slightly larger pieces and a central thicker tsuba made of copper. All of the seppa are either a brass or similar composite but two are very dark from ageing and from contact with the other non brass pieces. Any and all input is greatly appreciated.
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